next chappy, been meaning to post smh

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“Can you believe it max! We getting, not one, not three, but two new campers today!” David said, bouncing slightly in place. “Yup, it's really truly horrifying.” Max responded. After he started staying with David he’d attended camp every year, only because it was a good cover up for Daivd’s business, considering that felon Campbell was never there. “Horrifying? What? Are you afraid of making a few knew friends?” David ruffled Max’s curls, quickly stopping when he saw Max scowling. “Haha, that look could kill someone if your not careful!” Max rolled his eyes. “Like you would care. And I'm not here to make friends david. I'm here because camp is where kids are sent when parents don't want to deal with them. Why do you think we return the favor when they hit seventy.” David frowned and Max just shrugged, I mean he wasn’t wrong if he was talking about his biological parents, who when they found Max missing they didn’t bother to alert any authorities. Which made Davids job like, ten times easier, since then all he had to do was fake an overdose and forge all the legal papers. “Hang on a sec… what are you even doing out here?” David asked. “Well its definetly not because the bus comes in from the city to drop off and pick up campers and so far seems to be my only reasonable method of escaping this fucking nightmare of a camp. Definitely not that.” David paused. “Hey… Language.” He chided. “Suck a dic-” David cut him off. “ and quartermaster doesn’t even take the bus back into the city he takes into sleepy peak, which we both know is much more boring than camp.” Max shrugged. “Doesn’t mean I dont want to raise some hell.” David shook his head in disbelief. “What? I take after you.” David laughed

    The honking of the bus horn breaks their conversation. David waves toward them, and then realized Quartermaster had no intentions on stopping where they were at, and moved Max out of the way before the bus subsequently hit him square in the chest. “Kids are here” Quartermaster says to nobody in particular as he opens the bus doors and releases the two new campers. They take in their surroundings, Nikki, the green-haired girl seems estatic of her new location, while Neil, the lanky boy in a yellow turtleneck seems irked. Winded, David goes to greet them both. “Well hello there little lady, you must be Nikki, my name is David your camp-” He screams as Nikki bites his hand. “Excuse me? Is this science camp?” Neil asks. Nikki releases David and he holds his now bruised hand away from her. “No silly! This is adventure camp! Ad-ven-ture? My mom said so, unless she was lying, again.” She turns to David, whos still holding his hand at a cautionary length away from her. “Sorry about that hand by the way, just exerting dominance, you know how it goes.” she turns back to Neil while David shifts uncomfortably. “And you must be Neil.”He doesn’t bother holding his hand out for a handshake this time, having learned his lesson. “Well you two will be happy to know that camp campbell is both-” he's cut off once again by being hit by the bus. Max grumbles as Quartermaster grabs him by his hood with his hook hand and drops him back over by David, who is standing up again, grumbling quietly about  how he was going to have a few bruised ribs later. “Thank you Quartermaster.” He points at David with his hook. “Your on your own. Going on break, be back for the bus at noon.” he whips a bottle of what David hoped was just alcohol stored in a rat poison bottle, and not actually rat poison. Even so, he gives him a concerned look. He turns his attention back to Max, who was glaring at David. “Max, you are not leaving my side for the rest of the day.” Max doesn’t break eye contact with David. “We’ll see about that camp man.”

    “So what's your deal?” Neil tactlessly asked. As if Max would give him any real answers after meeting him not even 15 minutes ago. “Im just a kid trying to survive out here Neil.” he pats him on the shoulder. “Now let's go check out the camp kids!” he twirled around and began to lead them to the mess hall. “The first stop on any good tour is the flag pole!” Daivd said, mock saluting the flag. “I can’t help but give it the official camp campbell salute everytime I see it. Beside the flagpole is our mess hall which-” he glances up and salutes. “Whoops, sorry saw the flag again.” he joked, Max rolled his eyes while the others looked disinterested. “Beside the flagpole is our mess hall which is connected to the Quartermasters store, it's here that we’ll serve meals, hold announcements, and occasionally take part in camp activities. Tell them just how much you love it Max!” David gestures towards Max. “see, that's the sad thing, he still actually thinks that I love it.” He remarks sarcastically. “And who wouldn’t! Now, let's step inside and meet my co-counselor Gwen! Whos in the middle of a camp activity right now! Oh man you're gonna love her!” He opens the door, preparing to cringe at whatever fresh hell would be taking place inside. “Gooooood morning Gwen!” he said, bracing himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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