A cherry blossom disaster

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I stepped into the garden. Cherry blossoms falling from the trees to the ground in what seems like a infinate loop. The whole garden seemed to ignore basic physics and ran in its own time plane. It was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen! The odd petal fell into the river, its pink glow iluminating the water as it travelled. I slowly strolled over to the nearby bench next to a river, every step seeming like a decade had passed. As I lowered myself onto the bench I could feel the moisture from the water plaster my face. Looking back at the situation, you would think it would be unpleasant. It was not. The cool grasp of the water vapour was a blessing in this humid day. I wanted more though so I carefully slid of my blue jacket and lay it next to me on the cool bench. As soon as I did this I could feel the cool embrase of the vapour touching my bare arms. It was like slipping into a swimming pool on a unpleasant hot day.

As I became more comfortable I noticed more things in the surroundings; The cherry blossoms danced in the wind like ballerinas on the stage. Their rhythmic swaying was giving the garden a peaceful sound. As soon as I noticed this though I seemed to notice what seemed like a tsunami of sounds, birds peacefully singing their songs, bees busily pollinating the flowers. It soon seemed that the trees were a miniscule sound compared to the rest of the environment. I could not help but say 'I am in paradise'

I soon understood why zen gardens were so popular! With my busy daily grind off life in Tokyo. Stopping to just 'Smell the flowers' (literally) was just what I needed. I had my small slice of heaven right outside of my home and it was all mine...

But then it happened. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a bright light. With every passing second it got brighter, I felt it burn my retinas. Then I heard it. It was the biggest sound you could imagine, it was like a elephant pounding on the worlds biggest drum. With the sound and light combined I felt my life force slip away from me, but that was just the start.

The cherry blossom tree caught fire, the petals no longer dancing like ballerinas on the stage but now more like running from a big scary, monster. The flames ate the petals like a ravenous beast and continued to eat the bark. It was horrifying!

The tree collapsed and the fire raged on now hitting the petals on the floor. I was suddenly ablaze. But alas it was not the end! A tall male with a mask on seemed to appear from the heavens! Was it a angel? He grabbed me and i was flying with him! I was free then I saw the blades of a helicopter above and the rope attaching the person. I burst out 'good to know I am not dead' The man laughed and responded 'Yes everything is alright, do you want to know why?' I opened my mouth, he cut across me 'because I am here'. He laughed again. I thought he was crazy but I guess you have to be crazy to fly a helicopter into a fire don't you? Well now it was just me and this egotistical man. I guess everything was going to be okay after all.

A cherry blossom disasterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora