chapter 1

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Name: y/n l/n

Hair color: yours

Eye color: depends on mood

Quirk: spectrum

You can make energy the same color as your eyes which can be used as blasts, constructs, an aura like mist that makes people feel the same emotion as you or just making light.

And you can see others emotions with a colored outline on them.

red: anger, yellow: joy, orange: determination or pride, blue: sadness or disappointment, brown: disgust, purple: arousal, pink: embarrassment, green: confusion or curiosity grey: guilt, black: fear.

Drawbacks: overuse can cause fatigue, eye pain or damage, and makes your emotions completely disappear temporarily.

A/n: Mirko will be aged down to your age which is 15

Our story starts during a conversation with you and your only friend izuku.

Izuku: look at the new all might toy my mom got me for my birthday.

You eyeball the toy with envy.

Y/n: you're so lucky I want one.

You look at your friend and notice a yellow outline form around him.

Y/n: woah what's that?

Izuku: Woah y/n your eyes just changed color

Y/n: what?

Izuku: your eyes are green now!

Y/n: teacher, teacher!

Teacher: yes y/n what is it

Y/n: I think I just got my quirk see

You point to your now orange eyes

Teacher: wow your eyes are so pretty is that all that happened?

Your tangerine colored eyes and excited smile are replaced with two blue ones and a frown as you realize this quirk is not very suited for hero duty.

Teacher: but don't worry you can still help people, you can be a cop.

Y/n: yea..I guess your right

After that you still wanted to be a hero but day in middle school after getting beaten by your bullies, you get attacked while walking home by someone with spikes jutting from his body who breaks one off and puts it in your face

Villain: give me everything you have including your phone and your ID.

As start to comply to his demands as a girl with bunny ears and tan skin kicks him in the face. You stand up and look at her.

???:her are you alright?

Y/n: yea he didn't do anything but a spike in my face as a threat.

???: well that's good, you should really use your quirk to protect yourself next time.

Y/n: all my quirk does is change my eye color based on my emotions and let me sense others emotions not really useful for combat.

Rumi: well im sure if you train your body you can get strong enough to fight without one look at that hero eraserhead.

Y/n: who's that, I kinda stopped following hero news once my quirk kicked in.

Rumi: he's a hero who's main way of fighting is close combat and a capture tool, if he can get into UA I don't see how you can't.

Y/n: what's his quirk?

Rumi: if he looks at you you can't use your quirk.

Y/n: that's still way more useful then mine.

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