3- Class A1

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                  My POV:

Dumbledore started thinking of what to do. No student had ever accomplished this until now. He had to give me something for accomplishing something that he'd been trying to accomplish for years. He thought it was impossible. "Chanelle, is there anything you would like as an award for accomplishing this?" Dumbledore asked me. "Maybe I could spend a year in both of the universes? And then whenever the 2 years is up, I could come back here?" I asked. "Well if that's what you truly desire." Nodded Dumbledore.
    I had to go home to pack. I'd  explained to my parents what's going to happen. "I'll call you once a week Mammy. I love you. Bye everyone!" I headed out the door. Deku was waiting for me at the gate. "So, what universe are you going to first?" Asked Deku. "I'll go to your universe first. But I'm really worried about what Mineta would do." I told him.
    I opened up a portal with magic. We stepped inside the portal and ended up at UA High. The first person I saw was Denki Kaminari. "OMG!!!! DENKI!!!!" I ran over to him and hugged him. Denki was very confused. "Oh sorry! I'm Chanelle Farrelly. I'm from a different universe where magic exist. I'm going to be staying here for a year." I explained.
    Denki showed me to principal Nezu's office. It turns out that he was babysitting Eri. 'OMG!!! ERI'S SOO FUCKING CUTE!!!!!' I thought. Nezu talked about boring stuff like classes, dorms, curfews and rules. Rule number 1: NEVER GO INTO MINETAS DORM! He even let me take care of Eri for the day!
        Aizawa arranged for me to meet some students from class A1, so I could make friends. I talked to Todoroki first. "Hi! I'm Chanelle Farrelly. I'm from a different universe where magic exist." I told him. "If you really are, then do a spell." He said. I decided to do a simple spell. "Expecto Patronum!" My patronus shot into the sky. It's a phoenix btw.

Multi Universe (a Harry Potter, Twilight and BNHA fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now