Midnight Sandwiches

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"Hey Lin?" Bob yelled from the bathroom.

"What Bob?" She yelled while brushing her hair in her bedroom.

"Have you seen my good underwear!?"

"The ones you wore when Gene was born!?"

"Yes Lin!"

Louise sat with her arm crossed on the couch trying to block out the back and forth screaming. She glanced down at the pile of old winter clothes they used as Shank's dog bed, he slept in a tiny ball. She rolled her eyes and stood up to look outside of the window and down at Pesto's window, Tina yelling at Jimmy Jr. Neither of them showed any sign of angry emotion. TJ ran around under the chairs and tables while Zeke and Josh sat on tables behind Tina swinging their legs and watching.

Louise bit her tongue and growled. She picked up the walkie talkie on the table beside the couch and turned to channel seven. She held down the button and held it to her mouth.

"Gene? Come in Gene." She spoke, one arm held behind her back.

"Yes sister?" he asked.

A small smile lifted the corners of her lips. "Gene, I need a hint. What did Dad send you to do?" she asked pacing in front of the window.

"I'm sorry Louise, I can't give out that information!" Gene stated sternly.

"Gene, baby, talk to me. What do you know?" she smirked.

"I know it's important, it's big news, and it involves a lot of important documents."

"Anymore?" she asked.

"Not of this moment child."

"You're only two years older than me Belcher." she mentioned with an evil eye. He couldn't see it, but Gene did feel it.

"Well Belcher, I agree!" he shot back.

"Good day Gene, you did good."

"Thank you Louise. Wait, what did I say!?"

Louise put the walkie in her dress pocket and turned around to Shank's bed. She sat down beside it with her legs criss crossed. "Okay little guy, you have one option: get up so I can take you with me in my new car. You have five minutes to comply." She sat in front of her new puppy death staring it's sleeping eyes.

Eventually, after limited blinking of Louise's eyes, Shank's eyes opened. Louise gasped with a wide smile and watched as Shank stood up on his paws. He ran onto Louise's lap and stood on his pack paws to lick her face.

"Come on Shank, let's go take a ride." She said while scratching behind his ears.

She gasped and ran back to the window. She slammed her fist on the window seal and forced her lips tight together before she growled, "Dammit!" Through gritted teeth.

Louise reached in her back pocket and pushed the button. "Gene?" She glared.

"Yes ma'am?" He asked.

"By any chance, did you take my car?"

"...Maybe." he answered, "possibly, no... Yes."

She nodded once to herself and slid the walkie talkies back in her pocket. She kneeled down and picked up Shank. He barked twice.

"Come on buddy, let's go get an apartment." She said walking towards the stairs with a smile.

"Louise, sweetie!? Is that you!?" Linda asked.

"No mom!" She answered as she began going down the steps.

"Yes it is Louise, I know that's you, where are you going!?"

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