Middle school madness: pt 2

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*Parker's POV by Panda*

Sitting there next to Noel is when I realized that she was the one person I could always rely on. She had put Herself on the line for me. I've never had any one do that before. Funnily enough it wouldn't be there last time either.

Ruby had decided we are the people she should take her anger out on and I was convinced it was my fault. I thought that if I had been a better friend to her maybe she wouldn't have turned our that way. Maybe if I had just done what she wanted she wouldn't have found it necessay to treat us like she did.

This I where my anxiety issue started as far as I'm concerned, the fact that's someone saw us as so weak and so much less that they treated us like that hurt. That's a day I'll never be able to forget no matter how hard I try. No matter how much I wanna forget Ruby Reid I'll never be able to. The whole time Noel sat next to me holding my hand. Telling me everythings gonna be ok. I trust her.

Finally we got called into the guidance counselors office. I wouldn't go alone. When I got up to get in there I dragged Noel with me. Of course she followed.

" ok girls, so what happened." she asked. I looked at Noel taking a deep breath. I explained the entire situation with little add in's  from Noel. It was the same thing a always.

" well look into it." or " maybe she's just looking for friends?" and even " have you tried being nice to her?"

Of course the school never did a thing so everyday for the entire year up until she moved away it was the same damn thing. Hating lunch period for the constant bullying and no one ever did a thing. The only person I had to be there with me was of course Noel. She made me feel safe and happy. Like no one ever had before.

She's my best friend. She's my Noel.

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