Chapter one ♡

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It was a boring day in Hawkins in 1985. Mike Wheeler was laying on his bed and he was reading a comic book. A comics who got from his best friend named Will Byers. He was smiling during he was reading. Do you want to know a secret? Well I'm gonna tell one. Mike had a mayor crush on Will. He always knew their friendship isn't normal, and a year ago figured out that he likes him A LOT. Since then, mike always tried to hide his feelings, but there were people who noticed it, his sister for example, named Nancy.

- You're reading that comics again, aren't you?- said the mentioned person in the door.
- Yeah, again - Mike said - I'm just missing him you know. We didn't talk since they moved, and it was a month ago! What if he forgot about me? What if he found other friends who are cooler than me? - mike started freaking out, so Nancy tried to calm him down.
- What are you talking about? He could never replace you, and never forget you. He misses you too, I've just talked to Jonathan - that sentence was enough for mike.
- AND WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE THAT FUCKING PHONE? I WANT TO HEAR HIS VOICE, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH HIM! I LOVE HIM, YOU GOT IT? I FREAKING LOVE HIM AND I'M SCARED I'LL LOSE HIM! - mike just yelled at Nancy, who was really suprised. Mike never said he loves will before. Mike after when he finished yelling, started crying over his sister's shoulder.
- I'm so sorry. I don't know why did I do that - he apologized.
- Hey! I know you miss him, and you really want to talk with him but he has to get used the new place and he needs try to fit in. You'll speak later, I promise - Nancy said.

Mike felt guilty because he yelled at his sister who was trying to help. He hated this feeling. Love. He didn't know what is that mean before he's met with will. He also had a girlfriend named Jane, but he didn't love her in that way. And it was so annoying for mike. He thought he's sick or something. He always looked after the boys at the street not after the girls as the "usual" boys did. He always wanted to be normal. He had suicide thoughts, he was in depression, but he never told to anyone what's wrong except his sister. She was the only person mike trusted in besides of will. Will didn't know about this whole thing, until he found mike on the bathroom floor when he cutted his veins. Mike lied to him, he was shamed. He knew Will would never feel the same, so he just lied that he broke up with Jane. Will was obviously so supportive and lovely, which made mike feel guilty. He loved this about will. He was so caring and sweet with him everytime, even if he didn't deserve it.
He was so in love, but hopeless at the same time. He just wanted to hug him, kiss him and say "I won't let you go until I die". Because it was true, it was a promise for himself. He won't let him go. Never.

OKAY HEY GUYS! This is the first chapter and ugh idk what should I think about it. I'm sure I'll write better chapters than this, but I hope you like it anyways. I'm sending all my love for y'all and don't forget that you're special 💘
- Katie

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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