9 - First day on the job

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"Y/n, pleassseee don't do that again, ok?"
Elise was in your room whilst you were in a hurry to get dressed. You could be fired on the spot if you were late to the first day of a normal job  so  best to avoid being late to one in the mafia.

"I cant promise anything  Elise, bosses orders are absolute" you mumbled whilst trying to tie you neat black shoes, it was taking a great deal of concentration as your fingers were shaking like crazy.

Oh wow, I already have the mafia attitude, 'bosses orders' - I'm such an evil person , working for a crime syndicate as infamous as this. Am I a criminal now? Or do I still count as a hostage? No ,more like an accomplice at this point .

"Ok, fine but at least try to make some sort of excuse because I find it  dreadfully boring to be ignored"

The little girl followed you out the room, into the lift, and all the way down to the reception of the great black building ,eager to spill mafia gossip - the majority probably classified info. Thankfully her words were drowned out by the vicious downpour going on outside, rain drummed impatiently on the windows, as if it was waiting here for you and had gotten impatient.

" You know Akutagawa has trouble sleeping because of you, I heard you scared him 'til he peed his pants" she giggled.

You gave a faint smile,not paying her much attention, your eyes trained staring at the employee of the month wall. The people were mostly unfamiliar to you but Dazai's face appeared frequently, you were to meet him here and accompany him to a couple jobs.

Wait is that Chuuya? I didn't notice his picture at first, its so small and squeezed in right at the bottom.

Realising you were ignoring her ,Elise pulled a face and skipped off down the well light corridor, her small shoes making quite the racket to accompany the rain as she stomped up the stairs.

I wonder what kind of jobs these will be, does he expect me to kill someone?? Surely not. I'd be completely useless at that- it must be something where I can use my ability.
Guess I have no choice but to say goodbye to my memories at this point.
If I fail here they won't hesitate to get rid of me...

"Great, You're here. Lets get going"

Dazai joined you in the desolate reception, without warning as usual, but his expression was sour and his tone juxtaposed his words.


It was somehow much quieter in the car, part of it was thanks to the rain subsiding into a gentle drizzle, but you found yourself wishing for anything but silence.
Your ears were painfully aware of how loud your heart was beating, thumping inside your chest ;trying to break free and stay someplace safe whilst you dealt with mafia business.


"This first job is pretty straightforward. One of our accountants has been slowly accumulating the odd penny from company profits, we overlooked it unitl now but hes amassed quite a sum. We go there , get the account information and make an example of him to anyone who wants to oppose the port mafia."
Dazai replied before you could form your question.

"I see..."

You gulped ,loudly enough for the driver to look at you in mirror, and looked down at your hands which were anxiously bunching up the crisp material of your trousers.

I wonder if hes used to this, driving in  silence and delivering death to peoples doorsteps. I don't think I could live like that... but I might have to.

"The example part ... I don't want to watch whilst you beat him up so would it be ok if I waited outside during that?"
Hesitation was crystal clear in your voice, you were ready for sharp words to slice through the stuffed atmosphere of the car and smack you right in the face for insubordination.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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