Chapter 6

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Legolas POV

When she walked in, I didn't know what I was seeing. My mind immediately exhausted all of the possibilities. Could it really be her?  I determined that it must be a trick of the light. But no, she was really standing there, looking as beautiful as ever. Stubbornly claiming everyone's thoughts and hearts, demanding all the attention the room had to offer with no intention of doing so.

 I knew my father, Thranduil felt it too, her captivating gaze; he practically stood there, gaping, watching her stubbornly trudge in, remnants of the outdoors clinging to her skin and worn clothing.

 "And for our entertainment-" Thranduil started, pausing and looking at Tauriel. "We have guards versus spiders!" He continued with zealous enthusiasm.

 I didn't concentrate on what he was saying, I was too busy studying Tauriel's face. She looked different. It was less the physical aspects of change that caught my eyes, but the expression: more intense, more... defiant than I'd remembered her. She looked slightly different, physically speaking; her hair was darker, presumably from less sun exposure, but I couldn't be certain. Her skin was paler too, or maybe that was just the mud-stained dress she donned. It was new; the dress. Darker than her old one, longer too. I guess it suited her, the 'new look'. I think she changed, we both did after the battle; I suppose it was only fitting her attire change too.

 I knew she felt my eyes keenly observing, I could tell by how she shifted uncomfortably under my pressing glance. She stubbornly refused to meet my eyes, focusing her attention on the wrought-iron cage filled with spiders. I was so engrossed in watching Tauriel that I failed to notice the first spider come out and attack her. Still entranced in watching her move with such elegance and grace, I felt perturbed and mildly confused seeing the indecorous creature attack her. I felt my protective instincts kick in, willing me upwards and towards her. Realization struck and I knew it was just a harmless game; my faith in Tauriel's ability overcame my fear of her getting hurt. 

Two slashes of a sword, and the spider was sprawling on the ground, a triumphant Tauriel looking down on it with a smug look. She was escorted off of the arena and a new spider was introduced and with it, supposedly a new guard too. We waited and waited for the next guard to come until I finally grew bored and asked my father how many rounds there were to be.

"Seventeen," he replied smugly.

 I found this utterly barbaric, even more so than usual. He was forcing guards to fight spiders not caring who won or who lost; but I knew it was not in his interest to harm our military so like usual, he had something up his sleeve. I just had to wait and see what it would be. 

 The next guard finally walked out and I recognized them instaneously. Tauriel. Again. What was this? Why is Tauriel fighting again? I asked myself. And in spirit of being a true son, I had realized what ace he would play this time. He told Tauriel ahead of time of these nefarious games; knowing that she would take on everything in the guards' stead. Why Tauriel I asked myself; why would you do this to yourself? I knew Tauriel was one of the strongest and best fighters in Mirkwood but seventeen progressively more dangerous spiders were a lot, even for the captain of the guard. I stood up and attempted to jump down to the arena but my father, knowing I was sure to pull a stunt like this, motioned for guards to hold me back. I fought hard but there were so many of them and I was inevitably pushed back on the ground, weaponless. It was so like Tauriel to do something like this. She was so selfless and brave it was hard not to admire her but, I told myself silently, it was harder to not love her. To admire the ground that she walked on and the air that she breathed. Everything she did was selfless and for the benefit of everyone but her. So here I sat helpless watching her courageously fight the second than fifteenth spider as bravely as the first one. It wasn't until the sixteenth spider crawled out of the wrought- iron cage that  I knew something was wrong. 

Obligations and Fluff, a Lauriel FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora