Love and Hatred

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The next evening, I woke up early again. The sun was setting and Enoch was no where in sight. I got up and got dressed in my usual edgy clothes, putting on a bit of dark eye makeup just because. I put on a band tee shirt, black jeans, and I decided to wear my black combat boots. I saw my belt with various chains hanging from it and decided to wear that as well. As I made my way up the stairs, I heard quiet footsteps coming closer to the door. As I was about to open the door, it started to slowly creak open, only to reveal Olive on the other side. "Oh, hi Olive. Are you looking for Enoch?" I asked. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Why don't you mind your own business?" She retorted rudely. I was really tired of her being mean to me. "Look, Olive, I don't know what your problem is with me, but you don't have to be so rude." I said calmly. She smirked and put a hand on her hip, cocking up one of her thin eyebrows. "Oh yeah? And what are you going to do? As long as Miss Peregrine doesn't see, I can treat you however I want, and you won't do anything about it. And if you try, I'll tell Miss Peregrine that you threatened to hurt me." She seemed to have the advantage here, but I knew exactly what was happening. I've dealt with brats like her before. "Oh really now? Is that how you want to play?" I slowly creeped closer to her. Her confident gaze altered, slightly showing her fear. "I know how to deal with people like you, Olive. I can see into your mind. I can see what keeps you up at night, I can see into your very soul." I kept strong eye contact, never taking my eyes off hers. She slowly shrank down in fear. "You think I don't mind you saying all those nasty things? All the nasty looks you give me? It all just piles up. It'll make getting back at you all the more sweet." I wore a crazed grin as I pinned her against the counter. Suddenly, she grabbed my shirt. I didn't let this distract me. I kept my eyes planted firmly on her. She started shoving me backwards, but I held my ground. Out of nowhere, she threw her glove to the floor and grabbed my throat. I screamed in pain and grabbed her hair, yanking it as hard as I could to try and make her let go. She screamed in pain as well, but kept her hand on my neck. I pulled her hair and wrapped it around her hand, making it catch fire. As her hair combusted, she let go of me and I slammed her against the counter as she screamed a high pitch, girly scream. I quickly ran to the sink and turned it on, then used the spray nozzle to spray Olive's head. The fire in her hair was put out, but she was furious. She looked at me with her eyes blazing in fury and she charged at me. I quickly moved out of the way and she ran right into the sink. Before she could charge at me again, Millard, Horace, and Hugh ran into the kitchen. "What on earth is going on in here?" Horace asked. Olive immediately pointed her bony finger at me. "She set my hair on fire!" Olive began to cry crocodile tears. "As if! I put the fire out, you're the one who threatened me and then burnt my neck!" I showed the boys the hand shaped blister forming on my throat. They gasped. As Olive was about to start crying again, Miss Peregrine entered to room. "What is going on in here?" She asked with her booming mother voice. Hugh, Millard, and Olive all tried to explain at once. Miss Peregrine was obviously not in the mood for this. "Enough!" She looked at me and noticed the growing burn on my neck. "Ghost, dear, what on earth happened to your ne-" she cut herself off. "Wait a minute, why does it look like a hand?" She quickly put two and two together. "Olive, what did you do?" She asked with a surprisingly level tone. "But she set my hair on fire!" Olive yelled and pointed at me again. "Only because you wouldn't get off of me! And besides, I put it out anyway." I retorted. "Enough! Ghost, you go find Enoch and have him clean up that burn for you. Olive, I want to speak to you in my office now." Miss Peregrine left with Olive close behind. "Enoch is outside in the garden." Millard said. "No one's ever fought Olive before." Hugh said before I could leave. "Did she really start the fight?" He asked. I nodded and explained the whole story to the boys. "Well if you need a witness, we'll tell Miss Peregrine you were only defending yourself. We're all tired of Olive acting like that." Horace said, straightening his suit. "Thanks, guys. I'll see you around." I waved to them as I left. I grabbed my umbrella for the tiny bit of sun that was left and set out to find Enoch. I went straight to the garden and heard someone whistling a small tune. It sounded nice, so I followed the sound and hoped to find whoever was whistling. I soon found myself watching Enoch dissect a frog. It was kind of gross, but I enjoyed seeing him work so carefully. When he set down his tools, I stepped closer. "Hey, Enoch." I said to him. He turned around quickly, surprised. "Woah, don't sneak up on me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I laughed at his over the top reaction. "Hey, I need your help." He put the frog heart away in a jar and gave me his full attention. "With what?" I showed him the burn on my neck. "How the bloody hell did you do that? And why is shaped weird?" He asked. I giggled nervously. "Well, Olive and I got into a little disagreement is all." His face immediately went from concern to blind fury. "Where the hell is she? I'll make her regret ever laying her hands on you!" He stood up, knocking me back onto my butt. "Enoch, it's not a big deal, really! Miss Peregrine is taking care of it!" He looked down at me, still obviously upset. "Whatever. Come on, there's a first aid kit inside." He helped me up and brought me inside to one of the bathrooms. He pulled a first aid kit from under the sink and pointed to the toilet. "Sit." He said and I complied. He put on a pair of latex gloves and began to very gently apply burn ointment to my neck. When he was done, he grabbed a large bandage and put it over the burn. "There. Better?" He asked. "Yeah. Thanks, Enoch." I replied. He blushed slightly and put the kit away. "Yeah, whatever. Come on, it's time for dinner." I nodded and followed him into the house.
Miss Peregrine was setting the table when we came inside. "Ghost, do you mind helping me set the table?" She asked. I nodded. "No problem." I began setting plates and silverware in front of the seats of everyone. Miss P stood across the table from me. "Delta, what happened between you and Olive?" She asked me directly. I held my head down. "She was messing with me, so I stood up for myself. That's it." I wasn't in the mood to listen to a lecture, but I had a feeling it was coming anyway. "Delta, if you would have come to me instead, I'm sure this whole ordeal could have been avoided." I merely nodded, knowing that anything I had to say in return would be shut down immediately. "I'm glad we reached an agreement. Tomorrow we are all going on a family walk and we are going to talk about what is bothering us. I expect you to be up early and join us." I simply nodded again. "Yes ma'am."
We finished setting the table and soon everyone was sat in their usual spots, except Olive was now sitting next to Miss Peregrine and Claire was now sitting in her spot. "Children, before we eat, I have an announcement." Miss P grabbed all of our attention. "Tomorrow evening we will all be taking a family walk to a special place and we are going to talk about why everyone has been so ornery lately." There was a little protest, but no one really spoke out about it. Not even Enoch, for some reason. "Good. Now you may eat." Everyone  started eating quietly. The only sound in the room was the sound of forks against plates.
As I ate my usual meal, I felt a hand brush against my knee. I looked over at Enoch only to see him picking at his food and smirking to himself. I blushed and put my hand under the table. Next time he brushed his fingers against my knee, I grabbed his hand and held it firmly. I looked over and saw him blush. I smirked to myself and continued with my meal.
After dinner, Enoch and I went straight down to the basement. He had a mischievous look on his face as he started fishing around in an old tool bag he had beside his work table. I shrugged it off and started making his bed for him since I'd forgotten to do it when I woke up. While I had my back turned, I heard the familiar sound of a chain clasp. Suddenly, I felt a tug at my belt and I was quickly pulled away from my task. I looked down at the chains on my belt and noticed Enoch had attached a chain leash to it. I rolled my eyes. "Really, Enoch, a leash?" He smirked and pulled me closer. "What? You don't like it? You seemed to like chains though." He replied in a snarky tone. I sighed. "Do I really need to teach you about modern fashion?" He chuckled and nodded. "Perhaps." He leaned in closer. I leaned in as well and just as our lips were about to touch, I put my hand on his mouth. "If you really wanna keep this up, we're gonna have to discuss our current relationship status." Enoch held a slightly disappointed expression before nodding. He lifted me by my waist and set me in his work table. "So... what are we?" He asked me. I blushed and shrugged. "What do you want to be?" I asked him. He looked down at his feet. "Well..."

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