Tip #3: Show Up

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Note: I said show up, not be a stalker.

Go to events and support your friends. When they invite you to things, actually go. Or come up with a dumb excuse and show up with cake for them at 1 am. 

Either way, don't be a party pooper like half my friends and only agree when it involves free food.

Exhibit A:

My friend always, and I mean always, has stuff to do.

Most of the time it's dumb and I don't care, but every once in a while I try to go and support him.

One time I went to one of his performances and sat in the front row so he'd see me. Obviously he didn't know I was coming, so afterwards I think he cried for like an hour.

It was cute, but like, dude stop.

How to Care for Others By: Kim SeungminWhere stories live. Discover now