Report to the office

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Worlds collide - Ch 2 - Oh my bieber Tacos


I fell out of bed my tangled brown hair covering my face I let out a groan sounding like a monkey giving birth to a horse it's Wednesday and I have to go back to school to the evil Barbie kingdom that is high school I sat up on my knees rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

the scent of the delicious crispy juicy grail of bacon filled my nostrils making my stomach growl I didn't eat much last night. Which isn't gonna hurt me at all since i need to lose like a lot of weight right now if i want to be skinny and perfect like Miaia.

The coldness from my shower had me wide awake and ready for torture that is high school I had manage to pull together and outfit that didn't look like it said 'I-wanna-be- a- hobo' Miaia had been like an annoying fly on my butt about the way I dressed she said that if I wanted to be a hobo then I should probably stay away from her when am looking like that.

now that's an offer am willing to take but today something felt different I felt the needed to look perfect it was like the universe knew that something was going to happen and there was no way I could be see in my glorious hobo state.

my curly brown hair had been very cooperative this morning I pulled on the pink and black floral dress slipping my arms through the hole pulling it over my head I slowly zipped it up from the back enjoying how cute the dress looked expect the person in it didn't look good enough for it.

I slipped on a pair of short tights underneath so I wouldn't end up flashing anything today I tried my best to make myself look beautiful by adding makeup, I looked back in the mirror staring at myself this wasn't the way I dreamt I would look when I was a kid I always thought I would look beautiful like my mother.

my mother happens to be a part time model and then there's me the average looker I swear there must have been a mixed up in the looks department when god was working on me after my wave of puberty.

I pulled a pair of boots grabbing my backpack from the corner tugging down the stairs following the scent of bacon to the kitchen in his chair Christian my five month old baby brother sat banging his bottle making a noise as mom worked behind the stove the frying pan in her hand as she paid attention to the bacon.

"Morning honey" she flashed me one of her wowing smiles before her eyes went back to the bacon I mumbled the words good morning to her grabbing an apple from the fruit door heading for the door the scent of bacon was killing me just when I thought I was home free I heard mom calling my name.

"aren't you going to have breakfast" she asked

"um...I'll grab something on the way" I lied

I attempt I didn't like lying to my parents but that bacon was so taunting and needed to get out of the house before I went all Godzilla on that shit curse the heavens for creating that crispy goodness that is bacon.

The breeze blew making my hair go mad I held onto my hair praying for it to last longer before it went into a tangled mess of knots Just as I walked into Miaia's driveway I could hear her booming voice yelling at someone it was only then we I walked up to her car that I realized Jason was there with her.

"Fuc-Oh hi Carloyne" she forced a smile onto her face, facing me

"um hi " I greeted playing with the material of my dress

"didn't you get my text " she snapped her piercing hazel eyes glaring at me

Text? what? text

"What text? " I asked my eyebrow raising in confusion

" I texted you last night ....I'm ditching today your need to find someone else to give you a ride "

now that said I could now connect the dots why Jason was here so early she's going to spend the day with Jason in the cabin and when I mean spend the day I mean she's going to do the deed with him adding him to the list of guys she has had sex with he's probably number forty two or is it fifty two I have no idea I stop counted once she hit twenty this semester.


Well my morning was off to a crappy start I ended up having to take the smelly bus to school filled with nerdy freshmans and gum covered seats the bus pulled into the school's parking lot quickly I got off.

I looked over at 'Our ' usual spot on the stairs for any of the girls but they was no one there were the populars having a ditching day I didn't know about.

the day went my peaceful and uneventful so far I was just in second period biology when I heard my name being called over the PA system

"Carloyne wilkinson Report to the office there's someone here to see you "

••••••••woohoo they finally updated••••••••
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What do u say fair?
Alexis and Carolyne
Y'all like tacos??
Justin in them Calvin's kleins tho 😍😍

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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