A Chat

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      "Okay, so let's recap." Hunk started. "Lance found a wolf on a heavily guarded galra ship, took care of him, named him Keith, bonded with him, and found out he was some rare, mysterious animal from a planet that no longer exists, then some crackhead galra who calls himself 'the Hunter' sneaks aboard the Castle to try and take Keith only for us to find out that Keith can teleport! And that same crackhead was knocked out by a single hit to the floor and is now locked up in the Castle as a prisoner?"

      "Umm, yeah, that pretty much sums up everything that's happened in the past week, or... movement." Lance says, tapping his chin.

      "Hold on, back up." Coran said, waving his hands around. "Keith is from where now?"

      Lance, Pidge, and Hunk exchanged looks. "Welll, he's sort of fromm..." Lance began, awkwardly looking at Allura, who continued to look confused.

      "Daibazaal." Pidge deadpanned.

      "Pidge!" Lance protested, feeling betrayed.

      "Lance!" Shiro and Allura exclaimed.

      Woof! Keith barked from his place on the couch. 

      "Is this why you wanted that information from Kolivan?" Shiro asked at the same time Allura asked, "Why didn't you tell us?"

      Lance cringed at the two voices of his Space Parents™. "I-I mean, I didn't know how you two were going to react!" He argued. "You might've tried to make me get rid of Keith!" He hugged the galra wolf close.

      Shiro sighed, wiping a hand down her face. "We wouldn't do that, Lance."

      "Yeah, I'll just take some time to get... adjusted to it." Allura agreed.

      Lance smiled. "Great!"

      "Hold on, hold on!" Hunk waved his hands and shook his head. "Are we not going to address the fact that there's a big galra dude locked on the ship?"

      "We were just getting there-"

      "Or the fact that Keith can teleport?!" Pidge cut Shiro off excitedly.

      Allura raised a hand. "Paladins! Calm yourselves!" She commanded. "We'll keep the galra in cryosleep, and we can discuss what to do with him once Kolivan arrives tomorrow, just in case he would like to interrogate him. Like how he was able to slip past the Castle's sensors." She turned her gaze to Keith. "As for... Keith," She blinked. "Well, Lance, you can figure out what's up with it- him." She corrected herself.

      "A teleporting galran wolf, eh?" Coran piped up from his place across from the paladins, on the opposite couch. He was unusually quiet during the whole conversation.

      "Do you know something about Keith, Coran?" Pidge asked, eyes gleaming.

      "Wellll..." Coran stroked his mustache. "I remember the stories Pop-pop told me, about when he visited Daibazaal when he was younger. The stories the locals told of a special forest with giant wolves that were faster than any animal that was ever encountered." Lance sat up straight and gave Coran his full attention. "They said that the wolves were so fast, they seemed to vanish in the blink of an eye." Then Coran shrugged. "That's what he told me anyway. Not much was known of the wolves, but maybe the supposed 'vanishing' was their teleportation."

      Lance sighed. "That's helpful." He said sarcastically.

      "Maybe Kolivan will finally be able to shed some light on this situation." Hunk suggested.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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