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    Xander and Jasmine told me what happened days later, after I woke up, and while I was in a hospital bed. It turns out that it completely eradicated the thing inside of Ash, and Ash himself. Once he was hit, he just stopped. He started to laugh a little, and covered his face. "Of course, why wouldn't it end this way?" He started to spaz out, and the dark matter came out of his mouth, then poofed into thin air.
    Even though Ash was saved by Jasmine catching him, he wasn't responsive, and he was dead. The stuff that I had sent at him completely annihilated him. I don't know though if he deserved it or not though. We don't know if Ash was truly talking or not, and maybe there was more to the story.
    Xander and Jasmine immediately were able to call one of the other League leaders, and I was transported to the E-League in the United Kingdom as soon as possible to get hospitalized. Xander wasn't badly hurt, he had just sprained his arm. Jasmine was there telling the Extraordinaries what had happened, as Xander was being treated. They had agreed that Ash wasn't a stable enough leader.
    As for me, things had only went downhill. I had lost all connection to my arms, legs, and body. It was soon realized that I wasn't going to be living much longer, and I might be put into the state that Xander and Jasmine were in sooner. I was still able to talk, blink, and move my eyes, but that was all.
    I was able to finally say goodbye to my friends though, rather than them just blinking out of existence like what nearly happened to me. Many tears were shed through a few days, but instead of being sad and worried, I was proud. I had defeated that thing. I did what Hero said to do. I saved everyone from what could have come from Ash.
Just a few days later though, I had blinked out of existence, forever.

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