part two

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~note,this will be seen threw lucy's eyes so it will have alot of her pov okay-~


Lucy's pov
It was...e.n.d/natsu my eyes widened as I had my hand on my keys,w-what the hell is he doing here!?! T-this isn't a n-nightmare r-right!? I pinched myself

"D..definitely not a nightmare ouch.."

"Why did you just-"

"N-no reason looks like your friend is they probably missed ya"

He flew to natsu and the young girl I quickly got up and left the thrown room,damnit damnit!! Where's aquarius!! Or virgo...t-this can't be happening I squealed as virgo was fixing some curtains on the windows

"Oops,sorry princess I didn't mean to startle you"

"Virgo...h-his here"

Her eyes widened when I said that

"P-please tell aquarius but do not yell at the people to will only spread chaos"

She nodded and ran away quickly I looked behind me and sighed...if im not out there my father will be furious with me-

"Lucy what the heck are you-"


I jumped and turnt to my father

"Sorry for scaring you my dear but you need to get back out there"


I did as I was told to do I spotted loke and was about to go to him before someone stopped me it was the girl that was with him..she smiled softly at me

"H-hi um..would you know where the bathrooms are?"

"Yes just go in the left hallway and take about 5 steps and turn to your right that's where they'll be"

"Thank you princess! O-oh! M-my names wendy"

I smiled at her

"It's nice to meet you wendy and please just call me lucy"

She nodded and ran to the left hallway but...then I felt someone stating at me I knew whom it was
It was natsu g-great he spotted me

"Luuuu come on let's go to your mother's garden! It's really nice outside right now heh!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled
We were talking about old memories whole sitting on a bench in my mom's garden...

"Remember the nightmare's ive told you about lev.."

"Yes you didn't seem your self while talking to aquarius...are they getting worse"

I nodded and explained to her what happened to the one I had lastnight

"...and levy I saw him and felt him staring at me"

She had a worried look on her face

" scared lev w-what if he try's to kidnap me and k-kil my spirits there the only family I have left beside from you..."

"Don't worry lu! Me and the other's won't let that ha-"

All of a sudden she was hit with something that looked like metal onto the ground her body laid

Nalu The Dragon Prince and The Celestial Princess Where stories live. Discover now