The end or the beginning?

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Hobbit/LOTRx Harry Potter
After the war, everything was a mess. So many people were dead. That's when they came, the muggles. When Voldemort destroyed the castle wards he had destroyed all of them. Including the ones that repelled muggles. We were all too shocked to do anything. It took several magical vows and an audience with the queen to straighten everything out. But even then things just started going further and further down hill. Another muggle war started, this one encompasses the entire globe. No country was left out. The magical population tried to stay out of it, but we were ordered to help. We were given a choice help or be put into a prison and then tried for treason. The only exemption was if you were a woman and had a child or were pregnant. I watched wizards and muggles alike fall. The government was trying to find a way to combine the destructive power of a nuclear bomb with magic. Despite my warnings they didn't listen. It backfired and wiped out humanity as we knew it. It poisoned the air, the oceans and the earth. Only being the mistress of death saved me from suffering the same fate. It took several years and many nature rituals to get the air breathable again. By that time several magical creatures had already adapted. Only a few dragons had survived,with help, but their eggs had been safe due to their shells and their parents covering them in dragon scales. Creatures of the deep were another issue. The water had been so polluted it was hard to clean it up. Thankfully the merpeople had their own version of a breathable bubble. We first cleaned out the lakes and moved them all to the clean water. It took over 10 years to clean the oceans of the world. To remove all trace of the muggles was incredibly hard.
Twenty years after I had cleansed the oceans. I remembered the goblins. Going to what would be the ruins of Diagon Ally in London. The only building still standing was the bank. The doors had been sealed tight. As I banged my fist on the door. I let myself hope that there might be some still alive. I could hear the gears turning inside the door as it opened slowly. I was met at spear and sword point.
"Who are you? What do you want?" The one in front stated.
"I am Aurora Potter. I came to see if anyone still lived. The world has been destroyed. I have found no other wizards or muggles alive." Whispers broke out among them.
"You best come in then." A voice said from the back. I knew that voice, how could I ever forget. A smile broke out on my face.
"Filius Flitwick." The small professor had made his way to the front.
"Miss Potter, it's a relief to see you safe. Dare I say you haven't aged a day." He gave a kind smile. Tears of joy were brought to my eyes to see a familiar face. I was escorted into the bank and into a chair by a fire.
"The doors have been sealed for 40 years Lady Potter. As it stand you are the only one who can tell us what happened." The half goblin asked. The goblins gathered around.
"I had heard rumors of an attack. I thought we had more time so I went to Hogwarts to try and reset the wards. I finished them then the next thing I know the world was burning. I poured my magic
into protecting myself. It worked...I've spent the last 40 years cleaning up the muggles mess. The air, and the ocean are clean and pure once again. Several species of animals have adapted, the Centaur colony is safe in the Black Forest, the mermaid civilizations are flourishing now that they don't have to hide. I thought everyone was gone until I remembered how good goblins were with wards. I figured I would check. And here you all are." I said happily.
"Indeed. Miss Potter, you are not the only other human to survive. There were many inside the bank when the doors sealed." I was ecstatic at the news. But the professors face was somber. "Several of the parents left through the floo after the doors closed, leaving their children here. There are only five children left. It's a curious thing it seems they've been put in a stasis, we can't get them out." He told me.
"Let me see what I can do."
The escorted me to the chambers where the children slept. After several diagnostic charms I saw it power similar to death.
"They will awaken in their own time, it seems that those of higher powers have found need of them."
Through much arguing and compromise I managed to get the Goblins to agree to move to Hogwarts. I regularly went on trips to the outside world I found other magical creatures but no humans. The magical colony at hogwarts flourished. House elves helped us grow food and the lake was full of fish, clothing was made from spider silk from the giant spiders in the forest. We were at peace and it only took all of civilization to be wiped out.
But it changed one day I had taken a walk through what would have been France. I stood in the spot that the Eiffel Tower should have been when blinding lights appeared. From inside stepped four beings.
"Lady Potter." One said, but I did not turn around.
"You are starting a new world order. I will not interfere. I just wish to see life flourish once again." I spoke staring at the barren ground. No matter how many rituals I did the grass would not grow.
"We were wanting you to help the young Wizards, help them lead and protect the new world, as Aurora the Amethyst." I looked at them strangely. "The five will be the white, the grey, the brown and the blues. They will help keep balance in this world. As the Istari, wizards who live forever unless bested in battle."
I narrowed my eyes at the beings.
"You would condemn them to a life of loneliness, to watch those they care for die around them. You are indeed gods to be so cruel. I will help them if only to show them that they have someone who will never leave them."
"Here is your staff. And theirs for when they awaken." Six staffs floated towards me. A deep black wood with an amethyst stone imbedded in the top hovered in front of me. When I grabbed it the beings disappeared.
"Death did you get all that?" I spoke to the air.
A being shrouded in black appeared from the earth.
"Indeed my lady. Although I thought Aurora the Black would sound much better." His voice was soft as if he was trying to coax a baby to sleep.
"I do like that my self. Aurora the Black, leader of the Istari." I could feel the power coursing through the staff. Placing the gem near the ground I poured power into the earth. I could feel as the earth pulsed and plants grew. It was refreshing.
"Come Death I think it's time to wake the boys and start their training." With a swirl the two disappeared from the still growing forest.

Aurora Potter Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon