Its time

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Hundreds of years were spent growing the forests in the new earth. New species had been created by the gods. The mortals called them the Valar. They were majorly annoying but it would soon be time to send the boys off into the world. Sarumon the white, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the brown, Altar and Pollando the blues. They reminded me greatly of Ron and his older brothers. Sauromon and Percy were both strict in their ways, while Radagast was like Charlie with his love for all creature. Altar and Pollando, were also twins like Fred and George and just as mischievous. But Gandalf he seemed to be a mixture of Bill and Ron. He could be serious and he loved to help others he often took it upon himself to be the mediator between the others.
I worried for Sauromon, I sensed a darkness inside him. One that I did not know if even I could cleanse.
I stood in the astronomy tower looking out to the outside world. I had to reassure myself it was time for them to grow on their own.
"Mother is everything alright?" The voice startled me. It was Sauromon.
I gave him a small smile and kissed his head. "It is time my son. It's time for you to go out into the world and make names for yourselves. Come let's find your brothers."
He nodded his head. While they were physically hundreds of years old, they looked to be in their twenties. I unfortunately still looked to be seventeen.
I gathered the boys and we stood at the entrance hall doors.
"My sons, your progress in magic has made me proud. Never forget where it is you came from. Always remember I will be here for you, only a call for help away. It is time to make your own ways in the world, to forge your own paths. I wish you safe travels always my sons." With a kiss on the forehead to each of them and a teary hug from Radagast and Altar, they were off. I felt as they left the safety of the wards and onto the boat that would take them to the continent.
I couldn't help the tear that fell down my face as I felt my family leave once again.
"They will be fine mistress, their clocks have thousands of years before they run out." Deaths voice spoke from beside me.
"I know, doesn't mean I won't miss them. I think it's time I took a long rest. You will wake me if they are in danger won't you?"
"If that is your wish mistress. Then I will." He answered bowing.
I gave him a nod before returning to my room to sleep.
Little did I know that my rest would last for hundreds of years. That my name would be nothing but a fantasy a story told to children.
When I awakened the castle surged with power. I couldn't help but giggle as the magic wrapped around me welcoming me back.
I changed into some new robes, and went out for a walk. The castle hadn't changed but outside the wards it seemed a town had been built. I finally made it to the hall where I was welcome with cheers from the goblins and house elves.
"Hello everyone. It's lovely to see you all again. I didn't mean to sleep that long." Laughter floated through the hall. "I do need a brief history of what happened while I was asleep please. Also why is their a town outside the wards?"
"Ah those are Elves, My Lady. A new race of the new world called Arda. They came here to heal, and to live peacefully when they believe their time had come to an end in their homes. There was a war. Dark monsters riddled the land. But they were defeated, rumor has is that darker powers are rising again."
"That isn't good news at all, tell me how do my sons fair?" The goblin rubbed his hands together.
"Gandalf, Radagast and Sauromon are large figures throughout the land, but Altar and Pollando are not heard about often."
"Thank you for your honesty. It seems it is time for me to join my sons for a time." I looked toward the ceiling seeing the growing darker sky. "Times are changing, I will be needed. I will leave tonight."
That I did, I boarded the boat with a young Silver Stallion from the unicorn heard. I named him Sirius. He seemed to enjoy the story's I told of the one he was named after. I could vaguely sense two of my sons together along with a third headed their way.
With a grin, we bolted to our destination as soon as the boat touched shore.
We took short breaks and finally made it to a place that hummed with magic.
"Imareldis, mistress. Also known as Rivendell home of the elves." Death spoke to me.
"Thank you." I nodded to him as he disappeared once more. "Come Sirius best to show we mean no harm." As we crossed over the border a guard of tall elves on horseback appeared.
"Halt, state your business." The one with shiny golden hair spoke.
"I wish to speak to your Lord."
They shared a look.
"You will be escorted to Lord Elrond." He didn't look pleased.
Then they turned their attention to Sirius.
"What kind of horse is that?" One said in awe.
"Sirius is a unicorn a breed of horse that comes from pure light magic." I spoke cheerfully.
"Just who are you?" Goldie spoke up.
"I am someone who is far older then you." I gave a cheeky grin.
I was led to a chamber where voices could be heard even through the door.
"Moon runes of course, how could I miss that?" It was Gandalf.
"I want to know the same. I know I taught them to you." He had grown and he looked old. His beard was long and his cloak was dirty and dark grey. I summoned my staff from the ground.
"Who goes there." The elf who I assumed to be Lord Elrond spoke.
I stepped out of the shadows.
"Sorry for the intrusion, Lord Elrond." The dwarves drew their swords. Gandalf seemed shocked.
"My name is Lady Aurora the Amethyst or Black. I prefer black."
I grinned.
I looked to my son. Tears streamed down his face. The illusion of an old man started to fade away.
"Mother." He whispered.
"Hello my Child, I see you still like to change your appearance." He ran forward and hugged the life out of me. "Tell me why you are still wearing those filthy clothes."
I pulled slightly away and tapped my staff on the ground. Magic swirled around us and cleaned him up. "Much better."
"How are you here?" He stuttered out. "The Valar said you went to rest."
"I've been resting for 2,900 years, I think my nap was long enough don't you? Now lets see that map of yours."
"Everyone I would like to introduce you to, Lady Aurora Potter the purple, the First Istari, the grower or forests and cleaner of the earth. My mother."
"I thought the Istari were created by the valar?" A hobbit asked.
I chuckled as I floated the map towards me.
"Ah young hobbit, I was there when this world first started but that question is best answered at another time. Oh yes these are definitely moon runes written in Elvish. It seems you were meant to be here Master Dwarf." I gave a smile toward the grumpy one. "Trees will you please move your branches? I need to see the sky." The others jumped as the wood of the trees creaked and groaned as they moved letting the moonlight shine down upon me. "Thank you old friends. Ah yes much better. It says Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the key-hole."
"Now that that's done, son why don't you and lord Elrond join me for tea and catch me up on what's happened since I've been asleep."

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