A letter to Sirius Black

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Dear Sirius (Snuffles),
It is true indeed that you have dug for yourself a deep and irreplaceable place in our hearts. This one is to tell you that we look at you not with pity for an "extremely energetic and freedom loving person" (as Professor Dumbledore once rightfully said) who had been locked for Nearly two decades of his last life, but with utter respect for a man who fought till his last with every ounce of courage he could muster. The order of the Phoenix had been fighting against the death eaters and Voldemort (that takes courage, yes) ,but you Padfoot were struggling against your own will to go out there and fight. Amateurs might call it a losing battle but we know better. The only Black to be placed in Gryffindor, a muggle supporter, best friend of your family's foe, misunderstood by the entire wizarding world and fed to the dementors; you might have not been an ideal child of your blood relatives (I don't think you would like it if I call them your family) but Sirius, you were a wonderful friend and family to the Potters. Also, Harry could not have had a better godfather than you. The way you happily gave away your life to save him was just heroic. I remember the way you welcomed death with open arms and a rejoiced laugh.Remorse filled our hearts at your parting and although I cannot suppress the lugubrious twinge of hatred I felt for you, as you left Harry at a time when he needed you the most, deep inside I know that you missed your James. You accompanied your Prongs as Padfoot from the very beginning and you would have preferred to join him and share a good laugh with him. You would have wanted to accompany him in whatever form our souls take after we breathe our last.

With love.

P.s. - Bellatrix did pay well for her deeds.

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