Chapter 5

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"Why?" Dave asked, tilting his head to the side with a slight frown. You scowled to yourself and let out a puff of air. "I don't cut myself dumbass, it was the fucking glass." You where so close to strangling him. He annoyed you so much, ugh.

Dave just shook his head slowly and walked over to the corner of the room where a studio was set up. You didn't know what to do, so you awkwardly just sat down in the middle of the room, your back turned to Dave.

Dave sat down on a stool and leaned over to grab one of his instruments. You could hear him mumble curses to himself as he searched for something else unknown to you.


You turned you head, trying to listen to what he was doing. Dave adjusted himself and started strumming the instrument which you figured was a guitar. He created a smooth a beautiful rythem and you found yourself starting to sway to the beat. The tune sounded familair but you couldn't place a finger on it....

"You, got me caught, in all this mess, I guess, We can blame it on the rain."

Holy.shit. He was singing. Karkat exe. has stopped working. But the song, you knew it from somewhere...

"My pain is knowing I can't have you, I can't have you."

What where the knew this come on Vantas...

"Tell me does she-"

"Look at you the way I do? Try to understand the words you say and the way you move?"

Both of you sang in unision, and Dave looked up at you and you turned your head to look at him.

"Does she get the same big rush, when you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush?"

You turned your body so you where facing Dave and he smiled at you as both of you created a harmony.

"Tell me am I crazy, or is this more than a crush?"

You stood up and walked over to him as you sang the last few lyrics with a slight smile. Dave strummed the last few cords and stared into your eyes. You both leaned towards each other and your lips-


Both of you jumped back and your face burned with embarassment. Bro opened the door and looked at Dave, breathing heavily.


Dave jumped up immediatly and put his guitar to the side. He looked down at you and grabbed your arm running out of the room after Bro. you nearly tripped over your feet trying to keep uo with them.

He lead you to a room full of Horses and other knights. Many trolls ran around with armor and equiment for battle. Dave pulled you over to a black horses and jumped up on it's back. He looked down at you and held out his hand.

You being the stubborn asshole you where, you didn't take his hand and attempted to climb on the horse by yourself. Dave snorted as you finally pulled yourself up on the horse.

"Hold on to me."

"What?" You blushed slightly.

"Well, hold on tightly to something."

You awkwardly wrapped your hands around his waiste strained your neck to look over his shoulder.

There was a gate and two gaurds stood on either sides of it. All the horses where lined up and you saw other 'pets' on the backs of horses with there 'masters.'

"3! 2! 1! charge!"

One of the princes called out and the gate opened and all the horses ran out, princes and knignts screaming war cries.

You held onto Dave tighter as the wind whipped your face and you closed your eyes, listening to the pounding of hooves and screaming men and women.

[the song featured is called blame it on the rain (iTunes version) by He is we]

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