Telling the Sister

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The day after the meeting, Sa-Alti snuck out of the palace to see Vileytna and her family. This was not the first time she was doing this. It had become a ritual of hers since her sister married Qasahn and moved out.

She loved the atmosphere of their home and the overall calmness she always felt there. Also, they were safe to have any conversation without having to worry about a hidden listening ear. Vileytna often joked that there were too many of their mother's minions in the palace. Sa-Alti had to agree with that.

The house was one of the special houses that surrounded the palace, reserved for council members and friends of the royal family. Normally, when a member of the royal family gets married, they are gifted with a special section of the palace to start their own family. However, Vileytna refused to do this mainly because of their mother's instrusive behavior, coupled with the fact that she did not like Qashan. The compromise she agreed to was to move into one of these houses - not too close and not too far.

Sa-Alti knocked only twice before Qashan opened the door. He saw her and smiled, letting her in.

"My favorite sister-in-law."

"I'm your only sister-in-law," She said, rolling her eyes and hugging him nonetheless.

"Find your own!" Vileytna shouted from the kitchen as she spotted them in the living room through the window.

Sa-Alti laughed and pecked Qasahn on the lips, exaggerating the sound. The man was taken by surprise, blushing a bit while separating himself from her.

"Don't use me to annoy your sister," he said in mocking sterness.

"Then of what use are you?"

Vileytna heard this and burst into laughter and Sa-Alti joined her as she headed to the kitchen. She heard Qasahn mutter something about bullying under his breath and turned back to blow him a kiss.

Sweet potatoes fried on the stove while Vileytna sliced tomatoes, peppers and onions to make a sauce.

"My favorite!! You've been eating this without me???!! " Sa-Alti gasped with indignation.

"Well, if you visited more often, we wouldn't be having this problem, would we?" Vileytna replied, throwing a piece of tomato on her.

"I have a lot of things going on. You can't blame me."

"Things like what?"

"That's what I'm here for."

There was a seriousness in her voice that made Vileytna look up, a little worried.

"Is something wrong, Sati?"

Sa-Alti shrugged a bit.

"Why don't we have dinner first?"

"Fine, but you better not have killed somebody."

"Well, too late. The body is outside."

They both chuckled.


After dinner, they all relaxed on the huge cushions placed on the living room floor and bantered with one another. Baby Mahlon was in Sa-Alti's arms dozing off. Qasahn rose to take him to bed and things quietened down a bit.

"Vileytna, Mother has convinced the council me to crown me soon," Sa-Alti stated, sighing.

Her sister blinked repeatedly, as if digesting what she'd just heard.

"I don't understand," she finally said.

"Me go be Queen."

Vileytna frowned and smacked her arm.

"Stop joking."

"I'm serious."

"What exactly is going on? Are you getting married? Is there someone you haven't told me about?" she asked, looking a bit betrayed.

Sa-Alti sighed. "I wish that was the case but unfortunately, it's something even bigger."

"What is bigger?" It was Qasahn, returning from the bedroom.

"Apparently someone's coronation is coming up," his wife answered, gesturing at Sa-Alti.


"Yes, Qasahn, really. And I came to tell you two because I wanted you to know personally."

"Sati, what is the emergency? Is it Mother? Is something wrong with her?"

Sa-Alti could see the panic growing in her eyes and she took her hands to calm her down.

"Nothing is wrong with her, Vi. She's perfectly fine. It's just that something has come up and I need to take control as soon as possible."

"Then what has come up? Why won't you tell me?"

"We need to keep it under wraps. Even the council members don't know about it."

"Well, I'm not the council members; I'm your sister. You never tell me anything anymore," she added, pouting a bit.

Sa-Alti smiled indulgently. "Come on now, don't be like that. When the time is right, I'll tell you everything." She looked at the two people she considered not only family but her closest, most trusted friends. "What I need from you; the both of you, is to promise to support me no matter what happens."

Vileytna's brows squeezed together with worry. What exactly was her mother and sister hiding?

"You better not be doing anything stupid, Sati."

"Do you dare doubt your future Queen?"

"No. I'm just worried about what my future Queen is getting herself into."

"My heart, relax. If there's any shady business we'll be the first to know. Isn't that right, Sati?"

"Yes, Vi, listen to your husband."

"Amazing. This is the first time you've ever agreed with me on anything."

They laughed and the heaviness lifted a little.

"Well, don't get used to it," Sa-Alti warned. "I must head back now," she said, as she stood up.

"When is the coronation to hold?" Vileytna asked.

"Two weeks or so."

"Will I be needed there to help or is that secret too?"

Sa-Alti rolled her eyes. "We're too old for this. See me off?"

Vileytna sighed but got up anyway to escort her sister.

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