Love has a Reason

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You may have heard this a lot of times
But here it is again

I love you

Because you understand every inch of me

I love you

Because you support me in everything I do

I love you

Because you lift my soul up when the world tries to bring me down

I love you

Because you appreciate my every flaw and imperfections

I love you

Because you listen and pay attention to everything I say, even if it's nonsense

I love you

Because you shower me with surprises, knowing that I'm crazy for them

I love you

Because not once did you ever invalidate my feelings

I love you

Because of your efforts to make me smile, even though it's for the unintentional things you do

I love you

Because of the way you smile and laugh

I love you

Because you bring me closer to God

I love you

Because you don't eat taho but you want your sunny side up, half cooked

I love you

Because you sometimes overthink things

I love you

Because you're sometimes hard headed when you drive

I love you

Because you're afraid of ghosts more than I am

I love you

Because you lost a tooth the other day

I love you

Because you're not what the society labels as sexy

I love you

Because you go to work late

I love you

Because you're like me, flawed and imperfect

But these things makes me love you even more
Because you're real
And together we make a great team

And if there's one thing that this poem made me realize
It is that, we love someone for a reason
But not all reason is good or perfect
Sometimes it is bad
Sometimes it's the little things
Sometimes it's the big things
But most of the time both, because that makes you, you

And that's love for me
You are love for me

This is for the love of my life.
Thank you for everything.
I love you so much, N.

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