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Name: Michael Night.

Nicknames: Night, Mike.

Age: Twenty.

Birthday: October Nineteenth.

Gender: Male.

Species: Werewolf.

Personality: He is very laid back and supportive of almost anything and anybody, doesn't like to start fights and tends to be the peacekeeper, but that doesn't mean he won't fight or that he can't. He's very capable of himself and likes peace and quiet, as well as music, anything loud to block people out. Once people get to know him he comes off as outgoing, otherwise he is just polite. He tends to be found at clubs and anywhere social that's loud even though he likes the quiet. Towards people he finds attractive he tends to get aggressive and possessive.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.

Relationship status: Single and ready to mingle.

Religious Views: Agnostic.

Likes: Peace and quiet above anything else but loves music, hence why he goes to clubs a lot. He cherishes a picture of him and his family as well as a note that says "I love you." on it. He likes to shift into his wolf form and run in the woods whenever he gets bored or stressed. Michael also tends to cook, as weird as it sounds, a lot. Food, meat especially, and full moons as ironic as it is.

Dislikes: He doesn't particularly care for overly bubbly people or depressed people, and he will tell them when he's upset as nicely as possible, but he will never tell someone to leave unless he's completely done with them.  Staying inside a lot, and cats for obvious reasons.

Background: He comes from a very normal family of a mother and father, as well as a younger sister. One day when he came home a week after his eighteenth birthday his family was gone, every body. He searched far and wide for a whole year before deciding to move go to college, finish his classes, and go out to find his family. The only thing that was left was a small note in his little sisters hand writing that says "We love you." He carries it in his wallet everywhere he goes as well as a picture of his whole family together.

Other: He's very fun when it comes to the bedroom department and is not shy in the slightest, more of a player of anything, and he's always up to try new things. He's a rogue werewolf with alpha genes. His mother's parents were both alphas while his father's parents were an alpha and beta.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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