Ch 4 : Hello Big Brother (Part 1)

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Leon walked away from the Rangers as she was about to leave, she felt a buzzing in her right pocket. She took it out to see 100 of the messages and 50 missed calls from RM and Jin. “Oh boy.” She sighed and quickly called them back. 

“Hello?” She answered before hearing a loud scream from Jin. 

“WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU??” Jin shouted, causing  Leon to pull her phone away from her ear. She rolled her eyes and continued listening to what Jin had to say to her. 

“Hyung I am on my way back. Yes yes. Just don’t wait up.” She said as she paused on her track. 

“Say what? Did you make Cream Stew? SAVE ME SOME I WANT IT WITH RICE !!!!!” She screamed before hanging up the call and started running back to the hotel resort.

Back At The Hotel 

Leon unlocked the door and saw all 7 of her boys staring at her. “Sorry. I’m late.” She apologized before making her way to the empty seat in between Suga and V. As Jin and RM looked at her with a ‘you have some explaining to do’ face. 

“Where were you? Do you realise how late it is? We were worried.” RM accused, making Leon look down at her hands while getting a lecture by both Jin and RM. She sighed softly before the lectures were interrupted by someone’s stomach growling. 

All faces turned towards V and Jungkook. “What? We can’t help it!” They defended as everyone laughed. Leon smiled, looking at her teammates fondly. 

“I wish things like these never change” Leon whispered. RM somehow caught what she said but decided not to say anything for now.

“Alright alright, let’s eat.” J-Hope cut the cold and silent treatment and passed everyone a plate and a bowl. 

And that's how their day came to an end, laughing and joking around. “Anyway, guys what do you want to do tomorrow? Since we have like a two-week break before we start working again. Anyone have a good idea?” Suga asked while sipping on his third Champagne. Leon took a big sip of her cider and looked at her teammates.

“Honestly, there are a lot of places that I am willing to take you guys for a spin. But I need to rent a jeep or something first.” Leon replied.

Seeing some of them already knocked out cold, on the floor drunk. “Seriously, it’s only the second one,” Leon said while finishing V’s and J-Hope’s wine. 

“Dang girl you gotta slow down over there. Come on, let's get you to bed. You need to sleep." RM said. "You are going to have a killer hangover tomorrow." 

“No shit Sherlock.” Leon chuckled while drinking her own cider once again before making a disgusted face.“Argh, wine and cider do not mix well. Yuck!” 

Next Day 

“Boys come on, I just rented a Jeep. I’m not wasting my morning to pull you hungover boys, out from your own rooms!” Leon shouted from the living room with the car keys in her hand. 

“We are coming!!” Jungkook yelled, rushing out from his room while putting on his denim jacket. 

“Wow matching!” Leon said while giving him a high five. 

“Aw look at them, they are just adorable.” Jin teases both younger members.

“Well, at least I know what the hell is going on. You had so much beer yesterday and you sound and look like an idiot.” Jungkook shot back with a smirk. Jin narrowed his eyes at him and showed him a ‘you are dead meat’ look.

“Alright alright! Let's get the show on the road!” RM replied before exiting the hotel room with Suga, J-Hope and Jimin. 

“Wait we are missing V-Hyung,” Jungkook replied as V walked out from the kitchen with packed breakfast in his hand.

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