
125 7 21

hey loves!! so i know i already have a couple apply fics out, but i really like this idea and i would like to get it started soon!! so here's what i need!
but before that, i should probably introduce the plot first!

it takes place in college, and a group of friends live in an apartment across from a few guys from the baseball team and they don't get along at first, but they eventually fall for eachother! there's more to it, but that's just a summary of the plot!💛

what i need:

-(don't need age, everyone is 19-20)
-college major
-personality (short and sweet please)
-mlb love interest
-dating or do you just stay friends?
-when do you realize you're falling for him?
-groupchat names (honestly don't know how many groupchats there will be. there might be a couple here and there!)
-tags (just one or two is fine!)

super excited to start this!! happy applying loves!✨💛

lots of love,

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