chapter 1

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Although yesterday was my birthday, today I have to go to the court of nightmares and give speeches and go to parties with my family and the other high lords and their families, I already know this will be boring because I don't like big celebrations or the court of nightmares and would much rather be in Velaris or at the Illyrian camps with my bestie gang.

fast forward to when they are at the court of nightmares party

The party is ok but I am bored, I am standing next to uncle Cass listening to his awful but kinda funny jokes when somebody winnows into the huge, decorated foyer, I have never seen this man before in person but I know it is Tamlin, the high lord of spring court. I have never met Tamlin before because my parents have kept me away from him. I only know that I had never been allowed to meet Tamlin before because when I was a baby he tried to steal me away saying that he was my father, but my mother assured me that he was not my father because it was impossible but I knew he wasn't anyways because I look so much like my dad anyways. The whole room stopped and looked at Tamlin when he arrived and I felt uncle Cass grab my arm to protect me, I was not scared because I knew I could protect myself and as well as this my whole family was here including Amren, who I was sure would tear him into bloody ribbons if he came near me. Finally my father spoke calmly saying "hello Tamlin, are you here to celebrate Esma's birthday?" As dad said this I felt everyone's eyes turn to me and then back at Tamlin again and I kept my expression neutral because I was not afraid like everyone expected me to be. Tamlin growled menacingly as a response and then my mothers hands started shaking, I knew she was not shaking from fear of my safety because my mum was well aware how strong I was, but I realised it was out of fear of him. My dad simply gave a half smile and asked one of our well-paid servants to bring Tamlin a glass of wine. All the guests looked shocked that he was not kicked out but my family and me knew he would do that because my dad always did the unexpected and everything he did was a statement. I was definitely like my dad with this because I always did the unexpected as well. The servant quickly handed Tamlin the wine and then Tamlin turned his gaze to him and his eyes softened as he tried to walk toward me, But aunty Amren was there first and snarled throatily and uncle Cass stepped next to me, his siphons flaring. But once again, I did the unexpected and confidently looked him in the eyes and said "hello Tamlin do you need anything" I was not going to curtsey to him and he looked shocked that I did not address him with more respect but I do not care, dad looked amused but slightly worried as he watched. Tamlin then exclaimed "Esma, my daughter-" I interrupted him and said stone-faced "I am not your daughter so do not call me that" Everybody's eyes were as wide as saucers in shock because I just interrupted a high lord but Tamlin gritted his teeth in annoyance and said "you are mine and you and will be my heir" it was then that my dad and mum quick and furiously crossed the room and dad shouted "Get out!" at Tamlin, meanwhile mum and Mor came to escort me out of the room in case Tamlin tried to grab me. They led me into my old playroom here (that I did not use anymore) and told me to stay here until he was gone and to shield the room so only my family can enter, I did as I was told and sat down on the sofa when the closet door opened and this woman stepped out! I immediately jumped back as I was caught off guard and did not smell her when she lunged and put these glowing manacles round my wrists that turned of my power, the woman was Tamlins priestess Llanthe and my blood ran cold and my scent filled with terror as Llanthe violently dragged me across the floor and lifted me while I was screaming, kicking and doing everything I could to get her off me but the manacles made me as useless as a human and I was easily overpowered as Llanthe aggressively threw me into a metal, freezing cold van and strapped my arms to the wall while I was panicking and frantically kicking and screaming at the top of my lungs but then the door slammed and my panic intensified as I was in complete darkness and alone...

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