4th of July

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I walked into the field with my friends, Sam and Matthew. Well, they're also my crushes, and they're also dating each other. Walking between people on blankets we headed for an open spot.

"How does this flower crown look?" Sam asked us as he adjusted the pink and white flower crown on his head of curly black locks.

"Adorable." Matthew said, walking over and kissing his forehead.

Sam just giggled in response.

Pushing my sliver dyed hair out of my eyes, I reached for my backpack. Sliding my rainbow striped mini backpack off my back I pulled out a pack of glow sticks. Throwing away the pack in a nearby trashcan as I opened it.

"Pick a color, any color!" I joked holding out all the glow sticks to them like they were cards.

"Oooh, pink!" Sam said, reaching over and grabbing the matching glow stick to his flower crown.

I handed him the string and attachment and soon was sliding it over his head. His love for bright colors matched his Asian and American mixed skin. As he looked back up I saw the pink glow shine in his hazel eyes.

He had chosen an equally bright outfit. A white short sleeve crop top with a pink flower pattern that reached down to his belly button, slightly showing off his abs. He had on black shorts that were accented with pink, and all black cat leggings and pink vans.

"How about you Matthew?" I asked, pulling my view away from cute Sam, still holding the rest of the glow sticks like cards.

"I'll take the blue one." He said grabbing the stick, string, and attachment.

After sliding it over his head I grabbed the yellow glow stick from the two left, sliding the unneeded pieces into my bag. Soon all three of us had on glow sticks, giving us a pop of bright color compaired to the people around us.

When we finally found a large enough spot Sam walked over and grabbed a rainbow blanket from my bag and placed it on the ground.

We all settled down into a spot on the decently sized blanket. I unzipped my gray hoodie, splitting the nonbinary flag on it in half, and wrapping it around my waist above my jean shorts.

I looked over and saw Matthew slipping off his black sweater, revealing his white shirt with a big yellow star, before draping it over Sam's shoulders. Once finished he swiped his messy bleached hair to the side, exposing his brown roots.

Messing with the string chocker around my neck as I smiled at them. I wished so badly that the three of us could have something like that.

The two of them pushed into each other, each with an arm around the other. Matthew looked over at me and I was glad that the dark hid my bright pink checks. He pulled on the arm closet to him and brought me to his side, wrapping an arm around my shoulder like he did with Sam. I smiled as the heat stayed at my cheeks, wrapping and arm around his shoulders too.

I heard whispering next to me as I looked up at the sky, waiting for the fireworks to start exploding the sky with color. Not noticing as Sam got up and sat on the other side of me. Only when he put an arm around my shoulders did I notice Sam had moved.

I smiled at him, him smiling back, as we heard the first fireworks start to take off.

Looking back up at the sky I watched as the first firework whizzed into the dark sky, exploding in a shimmer of gold. Just as it exploded Sam and Matthew kissed me on either cheek. I looked between them, confused.

As I locked eyes with Matthew, staring into his one bright green eye and one blind eye, he whispered into my ear- sending shivers down my spine, "That wasn't a friendship kiss Alec."

Taking in what he told me in he sealed the deal with a kiss on the lips as Sam hugged me from behind.

We stayed like that as the second firework went off. Once we pulled apart I thought to myself, These fireworks feel a little magical right now.

~Thanks for reading!
I know the 4th of July isn't something special for everyone but I hope you liked it! Let me know if you want me to do more short stories like this.
Hope you enjoyed :)~

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