열 세번째

272 9 21

Yeol sebeonjjae

Translation: The Thirteenth

Chapter Thirteen § The Mission (Pt. 3)


Taehyung took a moment to compose himself, and forced his mind into an empty state, focusing on staying alive, and killing the man that he came there to kill. His posture relaxed for a second before he tensed up again, and peeked through the opening just above his head. 

However, he quickly ducked as soon as he heard the bang of a gun firing off, and watched as the bullet that had been aimed at his head dug a hole into the concrete wall that help up the level above him. 

Taehyung let out a soft growl, trying to focus on how he was going to get the sniper that had just tried to kill him out of the way so he could get to the tech interference device that was somewhere in the parking garage. 

"C'mon Tae, think like a snake. What would the guys do? What- what would Jungkook do?" 

He sat there for a good ten seconds before an idea came to him, and he quickly grabbed his rifle. He leaned back, and placed the barrel just barely into sight of where the sniper might be, as he had already pinpointed a general direction. 

He secured the trigger and the gun with one hand, with the other grabbed hold of his flashlight, thumb on the button to turn on the bright LED light. Once again, he leaned forwards, peering into the scope. As soon as he found the sniper, he turned his flashlight on, aiming at the assassin. 

The bright light illuminated the metallic glint of the unknown suspect's weapon, and in that moment, Taehyung pulled the trigger. There was a loud pop sound as the rifle went off, But Taehyung knew he either aimed for the head, or destroyed the guy's gun, so it didn't matter much. 

Taehyung gathered himself once more, throwing the flashlight in his belt and slinging the gun over his shoulder. He took off through the parking garage, going straight for the top level, hoping that his hunch was right. 

However, there was one thing he didn't account for; someone hiding in the abandoned building right next door. With another loud bang, Taehyung dropped to the ground, biting hard on his tongue so he wouldn't cry out in pain. 

His shoulder spiked with white hot pain, and it took him a good minute before he was able to keep running. He picked up his speed, fear and adrenaline keeping him going as he continued to only let out low grunts of pain, not allowing himself to show weakness before the enemy. 

Lucky him that his hunch was right. The interference device was sitting in the center of the roof parking lot. Going to turn it off would leave him completely exposed. With a heavy sigh, he dropped his sniper, flashlight, and the binoculars, leaving him with only his handgun as he dropped onto his stomach, and army crawled slowly towards the small black case in the center. 

It took what felt like hours before he finally reached it, to which Taehyung stayed on hi stomach, and carefully opened the case. He stuck he free hand in the case, and pulled at all the wires inside, blindly grabbing and yanking, desperately trying to turn it off. 

And finally, his earpiece crackled to life, followed by loud shouting and arguing coming from the other end. Taehyung laid on the ground for a minute, panting softly as relief flooded his veins like a tsunami, allowing his eyes to drift shut for a moment before he began crawling back to where he left his things. 

"Guys- I can't talk long, gotta stay quiet... I'm okay, I got shot at but the vest and the idiot's bad aim saved my shoulder. Suga hyung, tell me the escape route I was going to take. I'm getting out of this parking garage, and I'm finishing this damn thing." 

The arguing had turned to complete silence when Taehyung's quiet, panting whispers filled the comm devices. 

"Petal, oh my fuck, baby, just get out of there. It's okay-

"-No! It is not okay, Jungkook. If I don't complete this mission, as the only one who can be out here right now, this is going to kill you for months! This guy met not show his ugly face again for months, maybe even years! I'm not leaving until the job is done."

"I swore myself to you, the leader of the snakes, the minute that I found out of our engagement. This is my life now, kook. Sure, I might have some paranoid moments for a while, I might have an aching shoulder tomorrow that I'll force you to rub because it hurts like a bitch, but fuck, Jungkook ah..."

As Taehyung finally reached his other tools, he equipped everything back to his belt, and slung the sniper back over his shoulder before he took off again down the ramp, insistent on making it out alive. 

"Kook, I love you. You're my family now, and same goes for everyone else listening in. You guys are my family now too, even if there are some of you I'm not interested in ever talking to again. I'm gonna do this, because this is what my life is going to be like until my last breath."

"There are always going to be risks, especially when you're in the mafia. If I'm a part of Bangtan, I'm going to do my part just as much as the rest of you have done. It's my turn to prove myself. Now I have to go dark. Suga, I need those instructions." 

"Alright, go down to the second level, there should be an emergency exit on the far end of where you are now. The alarm doesn't work anymore, so go through there, and it should take you straight to the ground level just outside the garage on the other end.

There was a soft undertone of amusement and awe in Yoongi's voice as he gave out the instructions. Taehyung couldn't help but laugh a bit, the sound low and quiet, as he made a beeline for the door, keeping his handgun aimed in front of him, finger on the trigger if he needed to shoot recklessly. 

He did as Yoongi told, and ended up on the ground outside the parking garage. With a nod to himself, he took in a slow deep breath. 

"Minnie hyung, gimme the nearest high rise building. I'm gonna get a little creative." 

With a chuckle from pretty much everyone, Jimin relayed the instructions, and Taehyung smirked, thanking him before he turned his comm off, and went dark. 


Woah, so I didn't expect this to turn into three parts, going on four. I mean, I guess this is what's necessary when I procrastinate on updating for literally months. 

So, yes, I will be putting up part four of The Mission today as well. Shit damn, my first triple update. 

Anygay, sorry for being a lazy fuck. 


Fighting! 💜

-Jei (제ㅣ)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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