Memories of the lost valley

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Everything is quiet, so quiet, to the point where Mao Mao is starting to feel a bit scared now. The fog has fully gone by now, as the world around them slowly begins to reveal its true color. Empty and twisted buildings begin to appear in the empty distance. Mao Mao looks up at the night sky and notices that the full moon is slowly rising as the clouds disappear from his sight, and then with its light, begins to paint the dark sky. A cold wind blows in his face causing a chill to run down his spine as he begins to shake a bit.

Wait...has this happened before?

Nah...I am just tired...right?

Do you remember any of this....Ba-

Bao Bao notices that Mao Mao was quieter than usual. Bao Bao just sighs as he wraps his arms around Mao Mao and brings him into a warm embrace. Mao Mao was caught off guard by this, Bao Bao hasn't hugged him for a long time now. He looks up and sees that Bao Bao is looking away from him with a blush in his face. Mao Mao just smiles as he hugs Bao Bao back. He feels a very familiar warmth around his body as he begins to purr in Bao Bao's arms. Mao Mao tries his best to keep his eyes open as the warmth begins to claim him as its own again. Bao Bao notices this and smiles as he lightly picks Mao Mao up and places him on his back. He does this every time when Mao Mao is about to fall asleep. Mao Mao is always full of energy, but when he gets tired, he really gets lazy and super sleepy. 'You need to learn how to relax a bit, little bro.' Bao Bao thinks to himself as he makes sure that Mao Mao is safely holding on to him. "Okay, you can sleep now. We will wake you up when we reach home, okay?" Bao Bao whispers in Mao Mao's ears as Mao Mao, with his eyes closed now, just gives him a thumbs up. Bao Bao just smiles as he gives Mao Mao a small head pat.

Badgerclops was just there, looking at the weird scene unfold in front of him. He felt something in his chest again, but he doesn't know what it is. Badgerclops just shakes his head, "So I guess, he was really tired after all, huh?" He asks as they continue their walk back to the city. "Yeah, this happens a lot." Bao Bao answers as he looks at his back and sees Mao Mao's sleeping face. "But I really don't mind that much. I will always be by his side for anything...even for this." Bao Bao says with a smile. "I see...well that go for me too...I will always be here for both of you." Badgerclops answers as he looks away, 'Why do I feel that something is off here?' Badgerclops silently says to himself as he notices that a bridge in the near distance.

The bridge was just standing there in the middle of nowhere. It was completely made out of wood with many other smaller metal bridges sticking out of it. The streetlights that surround the bridge are off, but it's still visible from afar even without the help of any lights. There were no cars or anyone on the bridge, just the emptiness of the night sky.

"So, I guess we are calling this a night then?" Badgerclops quietly says as he takes his phone out. "What time is it?" Bao Bao asks as he stops walking and looks at Badgerclops. "Well, it's 10 pm now." Badgerclops answers as he puts his phone away and looks at Bao Bao with his tired eyes. Bao Bao was thinking for a bit until he looks at Mao Mao and just slowly nods. "Ok, let's go and eat something then." Bao Bao says as he begins walking again toward the bridge. Badgerclops sighs and quickly walks behind him. "Ok...but where?" Bao Bao looks back at Badgerclops with bright eyes. "Don't worry. I know a great place."

Every time that they are together....I feel this horrible feeling in my chest...

What is this feeling called?

I don't want to feel this feeling anymore!!!

Badgerclops looks back and sees how peacefully Mao Mao is sleeping on Bao Bao's back. 'I wonder if you ever feel that comfortable around me before' Badgerclops thought to himself as he began to walk ahead again. Bao Bao notices Badgerclops's odd behavior and wants to ask him about it. Before he could say anything to Badgerclops, Mao Mao began to nuzzle deep in his neck. Bao Bao shakes a bit as he feels Mao Mao's warm breath around his neck. "Ah! Please stop doing that, Mao Mao!" Bao Bao yells as he carefully shakes Mao Mao a bit to make him stop nuzzling him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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