ok so somehow i got tagged again

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^ chapter title

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first of all


okay now that that's out of my system

1. FeLiXeU_skzee :)

2. i tried my best idk

3. tOp five hm

a- pacemaker by skz

b- left and right by svt

c- girl's menu by skz

god's* fuck

d- 121u by day6 because the person who tagged me got it stuck in my head now

e- uhm easy? blueprint? can't choose—both by skz too

4. i cAn bE YoUr gENiE hAvE aN aLLaDiN or whatever the lyrics are

a- have jisung make an acrostic poem with my name because it'd be hilarious to see what he comes up with

b- touch jeongin's elbows (or just one.. i'm not very picky. i'd even settle for like seungmin's elbows or something)

c- have my chan poster signed by chan

im a very skz-oriented person teehee

5. fUck i can only choose one picture? ahhh

i'll put 2 because i'm indecisive

i'll put 2 because i'm indecisive

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i swear jeongin does these things to my heart where i'm a soft stan then a hard stan and i literally don't even know because a year and a half ago i didn't think hard jeongin stans were real but now i am one so

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i swear jeongin does these things to my heart where i'm a soft stan then a hard stan and i literally don't even know because a year and a half ago i didn't think hard jeongin stans were real but now i am one so.

6. tag 10 hmm i don't even- ok fine


thats 5 uh


so yeah

and now here's a jeongin gif because i can't think of something else to put :\

and now here's a jeongin gif because i can't think of something else to put :\

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tags are nice if they don't ask for information on me lol

im a pretty private person online so.. ye

that's why i'm a lil inactive sometimes and i don't always give answers to question so this is a general apology to y'all


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