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Wilbur was unbelievably pretty.

In his eyes, anyway. He'd be confident in saying Wilbur would be pretty to a lot of other people, though. It didn't matter all that much to him, because he knew he was the one that could appreciate it openly. This made him smile to himself.

Schlatt carefully angled his head down, careful not to disturb, and looked at Wilbur. He was leaning against Schlatt, with his back to Schlatt's chest, and his head tucked comfortably under his chin. Schlatt has taken to mindlessly fiddling with Wilbur's unruly hair, which had originally been tickling his nose. At that moment, he felt peaceful. Having Wilbur cuddled up to him and relaxed had ended up making him quite sleepy.

They were in Schlatt's apartment- they usually were, considering Wilbur didn't really have a place of his own. They'd tried to stay at Wilbur's...abode? But, Wilbur just complained about being cold, even after being given Schlatt's jacket. So here they were, both sat comfortably on the couch in Schlatt's living room.

After a short time, in which Schlatt had begun to doze off, Wilbur seemed to stir. At first, Schlatt didn't take any notice of it and assumed that Wilbur was trying to get comfortable. But, a few seconds later, he felt slim fingers pressed against his chest, as Wilbur had turned to face him. He looked down with a raised eyebrow.

"You alright, Will?" He said softly, voice ever so slightly rough, from having almost fallen asleep.

"I'm- not too much, am I?"

Schlatt blinked, before frowning.

"What do you mean?"

Wilbur hesitated, looking unsure.

"I mean...like the thing, you know? It must be a lot for you."

Schlatt paused, trying to assess the best way to word his reply.

"It's hard, yes-" He felt his chest tighten when Wilbur frowned. ",But! it's worth it. It really is."

Wilbur looked like he felt a little better, having relaxed a little, seeming satisfied with the answer.

"You wanna get up? We can go on a walk if that'd help you clear your head." Schlatt suggested, quickly.

Wilbur huffed, before hesitantly untangling himself from Schlatt, and sitting back on his legs.

"Maybe a walk would do me some good, yeah."

After that, the time between getting up and putting on shoes blurred, and suddenly the two were outside. They hadn't walked far, instead choosing to sit on a bench that overlooked a pond. For a little while, they just sat, and looked over into the dark water.

"The water looks black at this time of night." Wilbur observed out loud, seeming to be talking more to himself than anything. "It's strangely beautiful for something that could easily kill you, huh?" He contained, before pausing for a moment that seemed much longer than it actually was.

He looked over to Schlatt, who looked a little concerned.

"What?" he questioned, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

"Nothin'" Schlatt replied evenly, before reaching over to take Wilbur's hand in his own. The other's fingers were clammy, and ice cold.

There was another moment of silence, filled with the hanging tension that was now between them. It was Wilbur who ended up breaking it, though. With a breathy giggle that lead to a laugh.

"You know, we could do so much together."

"What do you mean- you're trying to proposition me in public?" He joked, hoping to lighten the mood.

Wilbur scoffed. "No- I mean...chaos. You're smart, and so am I. We could do so much! Like...together." He wriggled his hand out of Schlatt's halfway through his short tangent, and began to frantically gesture as he spoke. He seemed distant, his eyes unfocusing ever so slightly.

"Will..." Schlatt mumbled, in a softly warning tone. Wilbur didn't seem to take any notice.

"And...and.." His brain seemed to be running faster than his mouth, as Wilbur leaned over to snatch up Schlatt's hand once again, and tugged it closer to him to hold close to his chest. Schlatt couldn't decide if it was how quickly he felt Will's heart hammering through his jacket or the icy grip of the other's normally graceful fingers that unnerved him more.

"Wilbur," Schlatt said again, more firmly. He began to bring his other hand up to Wilbur's cheek. ",I'm gonna need you to calm down for me, okay?"

Wilbur paused, falling silent.

"There! See?" Schlatt smiled uneasily. "You're alright." Will nodded.


Schlatt shook his head. "It's okay."

"Let's go home. I'm cold.."

Schlatt nodded. Even like this, he thought Wilbur was so very pretty.

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