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So as you can probably tell from the title and the blurb this is a book of literally just rants and streams of consciousness. This whole book is just going to be me talking and trying to relate to the people in the Wattpad community and make a voice--that I don't think is amplified enough--heard.

This is not going to be a rant book about other ethnicities and races it's just going to be me sharing experiences and realizations. I'm a pretty low-key person, so don't expect a lot of drama or anything, it'll just be things I think about and I feel like should be shared.

I don't expect this book to blow up or gather a large following but I would love some people to discover it and find a familiarity or home in my words--whether or not they are a person of colour. Also I just want to say that this won't be all about race, (though a lot of it might be, I haven't decided yet) it'll just be about life and ups and downs and really just discovering yourself, cause God knows I haven't quite figured myself out. So I guess you guys will be watching as I learn. And maybe you'll do some learning and growing with me.

If you want me to address any particular topics just hit me up, or say so in the comments, I'd love to know what people want to hear.

Slan agus gur a maith agut,


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