Chapter 3

730 19 13

Days since kidnapped: 3

I woke up the next day by someone softly smacking my cheek. All I saw was a large grin. I screamed and jumped up, bumping foreheads with who I soon realized was Jeff.

"Ah, fuck!" He screamed as I groaned. "Sorry," I mumbled. He backed up as I sat up, still rubbing my head. "You have Eyeless Jack today." He mumbled. I felt my eyes water and looked down. "Do I have to wear my maid outfit, too?" I asked.

"No, we got you something different." I noticed that he had his clothes on and I still had on his shirt. He quickly left out the room and came back with a red face. He handed me black lingerie and grumbled. "Put it on then go to EJ's room."

He plopped on the bed and covered his eyes as I watched him. "Are you gonna stare or change? I'm trying to make you feel comfortable." I quickly took off the shirt and threw it on the floor then my bra and panties.

I slipped on the black lacy bra with the red bow with disgust. This is horrible! I bent over to slip on the panties when I heard a wolf whistle. "Can't wait for Thursday!" I realized that was BEN's voice and shuddered before slipping them on completely. "Get out, BEN!" Jeff hollered.

He got up to slam the door shut and sighed. "Fucking BEN." He mumbled with a sigh. He looked me over and licked his lips while I looked down. "Follow me." His voice was lust filled as he opened the door. He walked out as I scurried behind him. He turned left and started to point to doors.

"That's Laughing Jacks', Sally's, Fucking-Creep-BEN's, Masky, Hoody's, Fucking-irritating-Jane's, and Eyeless Jacks'." He pushed open the door slowly to find Jack laying on his bed playing with a dirty black cat.

"Where the hell did you get the cat?" Jeff barked. EJ shrugged. "Found it in my victims' house." He said nonchalantly with a shrug. "Does Slendy know?" Jeff leaned against the doorway as I stood there awkwardly. "No." He paused and looked at me (I'm guessing because his mask moved to face me).

"Are you coming in or not?" He said and I could hear a slight British accent. I scurried in quietly. "Have fun." Jeff mumbled and left out the room before closing the door. I stood there silently as the cat purred and jumped off of the bed. "Cute little fucker." Jack chuckled before sitting up and patting the bed for me to sit.

I slowly walked over and sat on the bed before Jack put his hand on my thigh. I sucked in a breath. "Don't worry. I'm not trying to have sex with you." He chuckled. I nodded and forced a smile. "So, what's your name?"

"Taylor." I shakily replied. "Pretty." He said dryly. "How old are you?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Seventeen. And where is this going?" I asked quietly. He shrugged and picked up the cat while looking me over.

"Is it cold in here to you?" He asked while stroking the cat. I shrugged. "Kind of. Why?" He chuckles and pointed towards my breasts. "Your nipples are hard." I gasped and tried to cover myself up. He shook his head. "No need to cover yourself. I don't mind." He shrugged.


The next few hours was filled with purring from the cat, EJ asking a million questions, and my nipples continuously getting hard. After a while, I was allowed to go back to Jeff's room.

I was about to walk out when EJ stopped me and lifted his mask. He planted a quick kiss on my lips which surprised me. He leaned back with a smirk to see my reaction. My mouth was agape and my eyes were wide.

He forcefully grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. He suckled and bit my neck harshly, blood weeping from the wound. I gasped and placed my hands on his chest to push him away but he dragged me even closer. So close, I could feel his erection.

"Next time," he murmured into my neck. "I won't ask as many questions. You seemed bored and quiet. I can change that." He suddenly let go and shoved me out the door. I gasped and fell on my hands and knees.

My eyes were greeted with a pair of black heels and pale white legs. The same complexion as Jeff's face but I doubt his legs are that hairless ..

I slowly looked up and was greeted by a black dress (I could slightly see black panties which made me blush) and a pale face. "Hello." It was a female of course. "I'm Jane." She helped me up then looked me up & down. "Are you the new slave?" She asked and turned me around to examine me.

I nodded quietly. "What's your name?" She smiled. Her eyes had glazed over with something I wasn't too familiar with. "Taylor. And could you help me?" My eyes started to water. "I don't have any other clothes except for bra and panties and Jeff leant me his shirt last night but it stunk really badly and I just wanted something feminine to wear." I said in one breath with tears spilling down my face.

She laughed and nodded while playfully hitting my shoulder. "Follow me." She winked and turned on her heel and led me to her room. Wait, I thought. Is she a lesbian? She winked and I think that "look" she gave me earlier was lust!

I slowly entered her room. Nothing much, just dirty clothes around the room. She bent over to open a drawer instead of just crouching down like a normal person. She looked at me while biting her bottom lip and sexily stood up and moved out of the way. I cocked a brow and got on my knees to get some clothes.

"I just want a shirt and pants. Hope that's not too much." I heard her giggle as she was suddenly beside me. "No, not at all." I got what I needed and stood as she stood with me. I thanked her and was about to leave when she pulled my arm. "You know, Taylor, you can come to my room anytime you want."

She trailed her hand up my arm and smiled softly. I nodded and quickly walked out. When I walked into Jeff's room, he was laying on the bed--without a shirt on. I gasped and covered my eyes as he continuously flipped his knife.

"No need to cover your eyes. I know I'm sexy but there's no reason to be shy about it." He laughed. I slowly uncovered my eyes as his trailed to the clothes in my hands. "Where'd you get those?" He grumbled while sitting up. I shrugged and slipped on the shirt. "Someone named Jane."

His eyes almost popped out of his head. "What? Why?" His questions were hysterical. I shrugged and sat on the bed. "She seemed nice. But," I leaned in closely to Jeff and whispered. "Is she, ya know,--"

"Gay?" He grunted loudly. I nodded and looked down. He laughed quietly. "Yeah, she is. Why? Did she come onto you?" His tone had changed--anger? Overprotectiveness? Jealousy, even? I shook it off. "Kind of. She kept stroking my arm and winking and giggling at everything I said and biting her bottom lip at me. Kind of creepy."

Jeff growled and lay down. "Don't mind her. She's just a creep," he paused. "Kind of like BEN. But don't let her get too close. And don't be an idiot and go into her room again. She might try to have sex with you." Before I could stop myself, I blurted out,

"Why do you care so much? You were the one who kidnapped me in the first place!" I quickly gasped and shrunk back. He lifted up and pinned my small body onto the bed and suddenly had a knife to my throat. "I'm trying to protect you from girl-on-girl sex--which would probably be really fucking hot--but I know you don't want that. And the only reason why I agreed to kidnap you was because I thought it was going to be fun but it really fucking wasn't."

My eyes were wide. I tried not to gulp or else I would slit my own throat. Jeff's eyes were dilated and huge. He was breathing heavily. He suddenly rolled his eyes and climbed off of me. He went into his dresser and grabbed a piece of rope. My eyes went wide and I tried to run when he grabbed my arms and threw me on the bed.

I was tied to the bed as Jeff grumbled curse words under his breath. "I didn't want to fucking do this but you pissed me the hell off." I was struggling to get out but he just ignored my whimpers and protests and continued to bound me to the bed.

When he was finished, I couldn't move my legs or arms. He lay back down and turned off the light. He faced me and wrapped his arms around my waist before whispering,

"Good-fucking-night Taylor."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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