12 - Cry...

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Rina's POV

I cry and scream in my bed. I'm sorry, Baek. I'm sorry for all the times I hurt you. I'm sorry that I didn't appreciate you enough. I'm sorry that I can't be there for you when you wake up. I'm sorry...really sorry...

I hear an unwelcoming voice shout after me.

"Where have you been, huh?! You've been gone for three freaking months, huh?! Tell me, you little brat!!" My mum yells at me, as I cry out in reply,

She stares at me in shock, her eyes darting from left to right.

"I'm leaving."


"I'm moving in with my boyfriend. Live by yourself. I couldn't care less about you." She explains with a straight poker face, before walking out my room.

"GOOD!!!" I scream with a strained voice, as tears run down my cheeks.
At this moment, I need Baekhyun.
So, I look at the pictures I sneakily took of him and smile. "I miss you. I miss you so damn much I feel like dying." I sigh deeply and continue, "Well, at least I have pictures of XĖXØ to show my class."

So, after a few more hours of crying my heart out, I slowly drift asleep...

I awake, my eyes feeling puffy and red from last night. I sigh and roll off my bed, as I start to stroll towards the bathroom. I take a quick, yet refreshing shower and after, put on some new, fresh clothes.

{{A/N: Choose which one you want to wear the most!! 💛 }}

{{A/N: Choose which one you want to wear the most!! 💛 }}

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You Saved Me (Baëkhyun/Baekhyun FF)Where stories live. Discover now