Chapter 1 : Monster

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A drop of blood fell down from my fist.

"Y'know, if you keep this up you're going to break your wrist and you won't be able to pass your exam"

"Shut up, old man!", I roared as my latest strike caused the punching bag to fly across the room, breaking from its chain. Kakashi looked back and saw the dent I've created in the wall. "Just because my hair is grey doesn't mean I'm old, (N/n)." He rolled his eyes. "And what did I tell you about letting your anger get to you?" I scoffed in annoyance. "It makes me feel more powerful so I don't see what the problem is." "Well-" Guy - Sensei cutted in, "emotion is a powerful fuel for splendid young ninja. I say keep it up, (Y/N)!" He gave me a thumbs up and a cocky smile. Kakashi just stood there in annoyance. "You're missing the point, Guy. You know what could happen if she gets too distressed."

They both glanced at me with pitiful yet fearful eyes. I was used to that look. The look of fear. I've been given that look ever since a was a little girl. Some things never change. That thing is the fact that I will always be treated like a deadly weapon to be feared, a monster.

...or so I thought.

Kakashi's eyes began to soften a bit. This little act reminded me how he is the closest person to me at the moment. While, yes, there is fear in his eyes sometimes when he looks at me, but most of the time he doesn't fear me and looks at me like I'm an  everyday person. This is why I have my upmost respect for him. "It's getting late. You should probably head back now. You don't want to wake up exhausted on your first day back, do you?" Kakashi urged. "I don't see why this is a big deal anyway. I technically already graduated at seven and a half remember? You and I both know that if it weren't for this.. thing.. I'd most likely already be a Jounin by now." "Us and Lord Hokage know how hard you work and how powerful you are, Lord Hokage even said himself that you would be the perfect position for a new Jounin, and only at twelve years old. But, we both know why we can't let you." Kakashi mentioned. "We can't draw so much attention to yourself. It will put you in danger." "I know, I know." I scoffed.

"If it makes you feel any better, there's a jinchuriki that goes to that school." He reassured. "And that's supposed to make me feel" " Well, you know, your.. condition.. and that of a jinchuriki is very similar." Guy stated. While that was true, I wasn't a jinchuriki. Nobody knew what I was.

"Alright fine. I see your point. I should probably head back now." I responded. Kakashi came over and ruffled my hair, making me pissed. "Good luck tomorrow, (N/N)." "Yeah, whatever." I scowled, trying to fix my now messed-up hair. And with that, Kakashi and Guy were gone.

Not - So Coldhearted : a Sasuke x Reader storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon