Date Night

13 1 0

Hey im y/n and i have a short message for you 'live your life to the fullest!' thats what i did anyway, it worked out pretty well for me!

You had just snook back into your house after going on a little adventure with your boy bestie, peter  was his name!
He had  soft, wavy, brown hair
An amazing clothing style
He was about 5'8 and his deep brown eyes made you fall for him even more every time you saw him!
You secretly had a crush on him but you never got the chance to tell him how you felt, hopefully you could tonight...

As you walk through the front door or your parents large house, your puppy walks upto you and starts liking your hands as you bend down to stroke her!
"hey there buddy, have you missed me!" you said in a squeeky voice
You creep up the stairs, making as little noise as you could.
You walked into your bedroom, turn the lights on and take off your coat. You flop onto your bed and start rehearsing how your gonna tell peter that you like him!
'hey,  so um i was wondering-' you thought to yourself
"no thats not right!" you said a little bit too loud
Your sister walks into your room and says in a calm voice "whats not right?"
"oh sorry, im just trying to think about how to tell Peter i like him..." you say to her
(you and your sister were both 17 and were very close so you both knew about sneeking out sometimes but you never sniched on one another)
"ahh yes, what you got so far!" your sister says eagerly
"well umm i got this... Hey umm peter i was wondering if you like me-i mean i like you, oh god-" you got all your sentences muddled up
Your sister burst out laughing whilst you still had a straight face
"try something like this... Hey peter, you look really nice today... I was gonna tell you this a long lime ago, but i didnt want to ruin our friendship but i like you peter..." your sister suggested
"ok YES i will try that, thank you so much" you said whilst hugging her

Your sister walked back into her room and then you went to sleep

*time change*

"What time is it?" you asked your self

You glance at your phone again and to your shock you read
'2 texts from peter<3'
"alexia! Come look he texted me!!" yoi shouted your sister into your room (alexia is your sis btw)
"what did he say!!" alexia says exited for you
"hey says.... Hey are you free today because i was wanting to know if you can meet me at moon lake, next to our favourite spot!" you read out loud
"omg im so happy for you!! Hurry up text him back!" your sister says
"ok ok i just texted him saying... Hey yeah im free so what time should i meet you?" you told your sister
Peter had already responded and he put "8pm<3"

You waited for time to pass by but the day was going very  slow so you started cleaning your bedroom to waist time.
*time change*
You had spent most of the day cleaning your room and organising your clothes. Its 7:34pm so you decided to get dressed, you slipped on a small grey vest and some ripped jeans. You tied up your hair into a messy bun and put on some shoes. You told your sister you were going now and then left.
You walked down a path in a forest near your house and there was moon lake, there was a long, wide river with some stepping stones. You carefully walked across the stepping stones and landed on the sandy path next to a corner. You turned around the corner to where you saw peter sat down under a big apple tree. He was sat on a red and white picnic blanket with a basket. You look at peter and say "awww peter this is so cute!" wich he responds with "well i just wanted this to be special for you!"

*you sat down facing peter and start talking*

"are you hungry?" peter says
"kinda, yeah" you tell him
Peter grabs some paper plates out of the basket and starts putting some food onto them. He gives you a plate with some strawberrys, cookies, Marshmallows and other foods, on it. You and peter  start eating. You kept awkwardly making eye contact but you didnt want to speak with your mouth full.

Once you and peter had finished your food, he looks at you and says "do you know why i asked you to come here with me?"
"ummm no but i actually wanted to ask you something while we were here..." you tell Peter
"oh well i wanted to ask you something too!" peter says
"ok you ask first..." you say
"ok... Well theres this girl that i like and shes amazing, she is so kind and beautiful, she's always caring for others and is so genuine!" peter says
"you know what, peter!" you say
"what..." he says nervously
"go and get that girl, you deserve the world and i want you to be happy, i 2as gonna ask you something but it would be awkward if i told you now..." you say to Peter
"why wouod it be awkward?" peter says confused
"because it would be, i was going to tell you that i really like you and was wondering if you would like to date but you like this other girl" you confess to peter
"but you don't understand, i like you!" peter says in a soft voice
"what! You like me?" you say back
"yes and i always have, thats why i wanted this to be special!" peter tells you
"awww thank you Peter!!!"you say hugging peter
" its no problem, i love you" peter whispers into your ear
"i love you too Peter!"
*Peter kisses your head whilst running his fingers through your hair*
            The end<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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