Chapter 4

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It's been four days since I saw Ash, is it weird that I kind of miss him? I mean we've only seen each other twice. He calls me every night some nights we'll just speak for a few minutes, other nights we stay up all night talking. He makes me feel things that I have not felt with anyone else. I'm going to tell Liam and James today even though I'm scared .

Right now I'm sitting in James Jeep watching Netflix on my phone while they talk about this girl James met, I really hope is over Madison.

"Guy's I need to speak you." they both look at me with concerned faces.

"Go ahead B." James said

"It's about Ash." immediately when his name left my mouth Liams expression dropped. "I have kind of been speaking to him and I don't think his that bad of a guy."

"Look here Beck." Liams voice is shaking from anger but he tries to hide it. "His not what you think he is."

"Then what is he?"

"Liam I think it's about time we tell her."


"Look here bro if you don't I will." Liam sighs

"Last year I needed money for something and I got involved with some very dangerous men Beck. Ash's Uncle. Ash may seem like a good guy but his not. He has done things Beck very bad things."

"Stop talking to me like I'm a child what has he done."

"His shot people, I won't be surprised if he killed someone. Even if Ash is a good guy, I got out of the mess but his family is the mess. They dangerous hanging out with him might make you a target."

"I don't believe you."

"His telling the truth."

"Now why didn't you tell me!?" I was angry now, I yelled at him so loud my throat started to hurt.


"I mean you told James, we tell each other everything! Or at least I tell you everything."

"That's not fair Beck, I was just trying trying to protect-"

"From who yourself?! Ash? Because of the sound of it, it's just as dangerous to hang out with you as it is with Ash!"

"I said I got out of it!"

"You can't just get out of something with those people, something must of happened."

"I don't need to explain myself to you Beck. Just for god sakes stay the hell away from him!"

"I will do  whatever I goddamn please." I said in frustration and leaned back in the seat arms crossed.

His my best friend how could have not told me about this? The fact that he was going through these things and I couldn't even be there for him sucks.

I don't think Ash is the type of guy to kill someone, he may come off a bit rough but he wouldn't hurt a fly. His soft inside although he won't admit it. But then again I don't know him so well, we only knew each other for like 2 weeks maybe less. I for sure don't want to be tangled up in the gang or whatever they are. Maybe it would be best if I stay away from him before I get too caught up in my feelings.


"I won't be surprised if he killed someone." the words played on repeat in my head for the entire day. I don't want it to be true but I know it might be.
The ringing has finally stopped, he has called me about 10 time now, yes I counted it, in some messed up way knowing his phoning me is sort of giving me satisfaction. I'm afraid to pick up what if this is there plan to get Liam?What if everything was a lie? What then? Or am I just being completely dramatic?

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