The Beginning Of The End

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Just an avarage day in a society that is just backwards... By that I mean if you happen to be born with a strong power you get treated like royalty and if you are weak you get treated like crap. I grew up hating it as well.. I was strong physically but mentally and accdemicaly not so much. So I'm constantly being told I'm a failure to say least anyways the crappy society I was born into aside, I was sat out on my door step with my adorable little cat by my side rubbing his cute fluffy head against my thigh as I stare out into the distance before continuing to finish my work in front of me and my mother opens the door behind me and I fell back hitting the back of my head as I got up and smiled back at her as she told me to come in as it was late and food was ready so I did, though I was very stressed about the project I was working on tried to enjoy the night as much as I could.

✿.。.:*꧁next day♡~꧂*:.。.✿

On my way to school the next morning as we made our way to the school, I noticed. My friend zack wasn't here. He's usually never late though its probably no big deal I thought and shrugged it off, this isn't exactly the normal school though it's a Knight school, since I'm not great academically, so I came here anyways we practice a lot with fighting and our elements but we do have normal classes too which are the part I fail at, today I had art which was what my project was for, I handed it in looking pretty scared as I looked at the teacher who looked at it and scoffed and turned away, I walked over to my desk, and oh of course she had to be in, little miss perfect, let's just say she looked perfect, and had a perfect academic proformance, although a salty attitude with a superiority complex. Let's just say she's not nice yes? Anyways I sit down and start sketching in my book, then she decides to rant at me about the fact that a sketchbook is a precious thing and shouldn't be full of doodles, now that made me go off, it's my sketchbook so it's none of your business anyways after a bit of fighting later the teacher comes over and asks what's going on, now I say nothing but she, oh she decides to accuse me of stealing her things and burning them and as proof she pointed out the burn I had on my hand, though it looked somewhat recently It had happened a year prior to this conversation and my friend stepped in to point that factor out, the teacher snapped at her shouting "get out! , you dare disrepect your higher up class member!" after that she left quickly with her head down I laughed a little and the teacher went out of the room to talk to her, me and my friend laughed and smiled "should you say that you saw her book in the bin or like just leave it?" I said as the teacher came back in and checked the bin before pulling it out before again starting to shout at her for being disrespectful to the school, her, me, the class and the supplies she got given and other than that, until the after school sparing practice I had nothing left to do, but half way through the practice I get called aside as there had apparently been a fire at my house and everyone was inside and it burnt to the ground, after hearing this news I broke down in tears falling hard onto my knees , I mean. If put in my shoes, could you blame me, my mother, my father and my baby brother.. As well as my home are gone.. I felt broken but felt as if I needed to go there even if it was just for the last time. Heck maybe pickles my cat was still alive, I hope so..I asked to be excused to go and check out what happened they agreed and I ran home,.... It.... It was all gone.. Everything... Luckily pickles came running to my side and climbs up my leg and I pick him up and pet his head and tears up, one of the investigators knew my father and had already asked the school if I could stay in one of the special dorms, I thanked him before going to all my friends homes asking if I could stay the night and explaining what happened, I never expected the exact same answer from everyone, laurence, jake..I'd been running around for a while since everyone doesn't live very close, I end up blacking out on adriens door step, in the morning I find myself wrapped up in a soft warm blanket I got up and knocked the door "hey um.. Is adrien here.. Or has he already left?" I said nervously to his mother she replied in a soft tone "oh yes he's here, come in sweetheart you look as if you'd been crying" she pets my head gently and helps me up "yeah.. I have.. My house burnt down last night and that's why I was here.. My parents are gone and I had no where to go for the night" I tear up a little but wipe it away, she invites me in and calls adrien down and starts making food. Adrien comes down sleepily with really messy blue soft hair I giggle a little and waves "hey adrien" i looked over then back down at the floor and he asks "did something happen? You look rather worried.." he said and fixes his hair up a little after we have the lovely breakfast his mother prepared we headed off to school again...

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