I'm sorry Thomas

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Just a warning, this goes from 0 to 100
Real fast

Also I don't own anything


Kira slowly opened the door to Stiles' class. Everyone looked at her. Stiles stood up. "Kira? Is everything alright?"

She looks up from the ground. He sees the tears in her eyes. She stormed towards him and hugged him.

"Kira? What's wrong?"

She sniffles, "I'm sorry, Thomas."

"Kira.. we're in public.."

"I'm sorry, Thomas," she repeats. He pulls slightly out of the hug. He looks her in the eyes.

"Why are you sorry?"

She just shakes her head while whispering 'I'm sorry, Thomas' over and over again.

It suddenly clicks.

He pulls out of the hug completely and cups Kira's face. "Tell me it's not true."

She just starts crying harder and shakes her head, "I wish."

"No, Kira, no. This- no. No. NO!"

He lets go of her and walks outside of the classroom.

"Thomas! Stop!" Stiles turns around.

"It's a sick joke. It's just a sick joke! Right! Right? Right?" His voice breaks.

Kira shakes her head. "I wish it was."

"No! We were going to celebrate tomorrow! Tomorrow was the day I was going to propose! Everything was going to be fine!"

"Please listen to me, Thomas! Please."

He nods.

"He's dead, Thomas. Minho's dead."

Stiles breaks down.

"Not him too," Stiles sobs. Kira pulls him into a hug.

"Not him too. Please, not him too."

Kira lets her tears fall.

"He was killed, Thomas. They're after you too."

Stiles' head snaps up, the sad look disappearing. It's replaced by anger now.

"Excuse me?" He stands up. Cracks his neck and takes a dead serious look in his eyes.

He walks towards a random classroom.

He opens the door, everyone looks at him but he doesn't care.

He walks towards a random book case and throws the books off.

"Mister Stilinski," the teacher tries but Stiles doesn't listen. Partially because he's Thomas now.

He opens the back of the bookcase, no-one knows about it. There's a safe behind it.

"Stiles?" Lydia and Scott try.

He lets the eye scan scan his eyes and it opens with a click. He unbuttons his flannel, leaving him in a tanktop.

He gets a Dadao out. He puts it in a holder on his back. Everyone's eyes go wide.

He grabs a shotgun as well, he also slings it behind his back. He grabs a few hand guns, he straps them to his waist. He gets a few throwing daggers out as well, he straps those to his leg.

Lastly he grabs a bow and arrows.

He grabs his "warpaint" and makes two stripes on both cheeks.

"Stiles what are you going to do?" Scott asks.

"He's going to kill the ones who killed Minho and who want to kill him," Kira says with the same angry expression stiles is wearing.

Everyone looks at her.

Thomas throws a flail to Kira, who catches it.

"Anything else you might need?" Thomas says as he grabs some ammunition for the guns.

"I think I'm good. Just a little war paint."

Kira grabs it from her bag and does it the same way Thomas has it.

Kira nods.

"I'm ready."

"They're going to be here any minute, aren't they?" Thomas asks, Kira nods again.

He cracks his neck again, "well I guess it's showtime then? I'll kill every single one of them. Because first, they take
Newt and now Minho? Who's gonna be next? Aris? Sonya? Harriet? Brenda? Gally? Me? I'm not dying today. They are."

"They're gonna pay. They took too much from you, Thomas. Let's take something from them."

"Trust me, I will."


And that's how they sat on the pavement all bloodied and several corpses were taken to the morgue.

"I guess Thomas is back," Noah smirks.

"They killed Minho."


"It's okay. I killed them as revenge."


Woah that was kinda dark- and also very unrealistic but meh idc

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