Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen



   A month and a half and I am still no where close to finding Mia.  I sat there last night thinking of something and it dawned on me Bianca always gets these phone calls and she leaves the room...I somehow need to get a hold of her phone.  I called Laurie and we put a plan together she is going to knock Bianca out and take her phone in a fake well I guess some what fake burglury.  I mean she is going to steal her phone after all.

   Laurie's and my plan is to take place tonight.  Seth is a little upset that Laurie agreed to this but he understands.  We went though what is suppose to happen and Seth will be with her the whole time...We know she is suppose to get a call from who ever she has been talking to tonight around 11 so we have to do it before. 

"OK Laurie Seth are you ready...?"

"Yes" the both said

"OK remember once Laurie knocks her out make sure she is handcuffed tied and her mouth is taped shut.  Then Seth take her to the warehouse."

"OK Hunter I know I have done this before"

   They both left and I was waiting at my fathers for him to get home so we can figure everything out together.  As I was waiting my phone rang "Hello"

"Hey Hunter baby..." Ugh Bianca I hate that she is calling me that I sighed as she continued "Where are you I thought you was coming over?"

"Oh well I plan on it but I'm at my fathers waiting on him...he called and said we needed to talk about the situation with Aden..Sorry babe"  I just about puked at me calling her that.

"Oh OK well I will just have a shower and then pick out some movies for when you come...I will see you soon!"  She said and the only thing I could think of was that is perfect as soon as I hung up I text Seth and told him.

   My phone buzzed and it was Seth saying that they was there and going in now she was still in the shower.  Good I really need this to work.  It was now 10:00pm the call will be in a hour I started to panic.  Then my dad walked in and asked for the update.  He noticed that I was nervous.  We talked for what seemed like an hour but my phone interrupted us "Hello"

"Hey its me, she put up a fight but I am on my way to the warehouse and Laurie is on her way there"

"It worked"  I let out a big sigh "OK Great my dad will meet you at the warehouse and Laurie and I will update you when we hear something"

"Sounds good and take care of Laurie" With that we hung up and Laure walked in with a huge grin.  Now we wait!


   As I laid on this hard lumpy thing they called a mattress when the door opened and in walked the Doctor with a huge smirk on his face telling me something was going on.  "Good evening Miss Mia lets make a phone call shall we."

"Only if its to someone I want to talk to"  A quick thought of Hunter  then vanished

"Oh you silly girl"  He said with the phone to his ear

"Hello" she spat

"Miss Bianca its Dr. Jones-"

"I know its you, you idiot" She spat

" do you need to speak to me or do you want to speak to her?" The Dr. questioned

"I want to speak to her now" She said

The Dr. handed me the phone and said "Don't try anything"

"H-Hello" I whispered

"Mia hey don't let him know its me Laurie I am here with Hunter...We have been searching and trying to wait for Bianca to slip up and she did.  I am going to tell the Dr. to bring you to a place and Hunter and will be there to get you but right now I need you to call me a B*tch and hand the phone back...oh and Hunter said he loves you"  Laurie said

"You B*tch" I screamed and gave the phone back to the Dr. who smirked

"Miss Bianca is there-" Laurie must of cut him off

"Shut up and listen...They are starting to catch on you need to move her to this address right away."

"OK Miss Bianca...Yes...Yes I understand we will leave right now."

   He hung up the phone and came over to me and cuffed me and put a blind fold on my eyes, then unchained my leg.  He guided me out of the building and even though I had a blind fold on I still could see the sun shinning through.  I can't believe it I am actually almost free.

  The drive to the other place didn't take to long maybe 20 minuets.  I heard the Dr. get out and shut the door.  He didn't come and let me out yet, so I assumed he was checking the place out. Then I heard voices and a guns being fired.  Then all of a  sudden the door opened and I was scooped into familiar arms.

"Hunter" I whispered and the blind fold was lifted and I came face to face with the love of my life.



   I scooped her into my arms and held her tight when she whispered my name I couldn't help but smile.  I pulled the blind fold off and saw her amazing blue-ish grey eyes.  I leaned down and smashed my lips to hers.  After a deep passionate kiss I broke and said "I-am-so-sorry-it-took-me-so-long-to-find-you"  I kissed her softly in between each word.

"Hunter I have something to tell you"  Mia whispered

"I know Laurie told me the day you went missing"

"Well she doesn't know this part-" she stopped and looked around "Oh My God...what happened"

"The Dr. had a gun and well your cuz saw it before and well shot him in the leg and arm..a couple of the guys dragged him into the warehouse where Bianca and Aden are."  I informed her "Lets get you home"

"Hunter I really need to tell you about the babies" She said with a smile

"Mia baby I told you Laurie alre-wait did you say babies?"  She did didn't she what does that mean

"Yes Hunter I am pregnant with twins...we are having twins!"

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