Love on the Radio

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word count: 2538 

 Disclaimer: implied smut, nothing too serious.                                                                                                                                          

This was it, this was his breaking point. He couldn't contain it anymore. Each day he had to bite his tongue from saying what he truly felt about Phil. He couldn't run the risk of their relationship breaking apart all because of four words. No, this relationship he had with Phil was too precious to lose. He had to contain it, even if it meant never telling him how he truly felt.

He's done a good job so far. Distracting himself from his feelings by focusing on work and other things. Anything that could keep him away from his thoughts. Then over time, he got even closer to Phil than he ever did. They decided to write a book together. It was now one of his top priorities, along with maintaining their radio show and gaming channel. They were now conjoined at the hip online and off and Dan felt suffocated by his emotions.

It was all too much that he would stay up at night thinking about it, pacing around his bedroom until 5am when Phil was long asleep. He often complained to Dan about his constant pacing, but Dan would always brush it off or move to a different subject. Sometimes, he would blame it on not telling their fans about the book. Oh, the irony that hit him right after. He hated lying to Phil, yet he's been doing it his whole life. He needed to vent, let it out somehow.

He considered consoling to his friends or family, but he was afraid they might slip it out or even tell him. Writing his feelings lost it's power and saying it out loud when he was alone didn't do as much justice as he would've hoped. Sometimes, he was really close to blurting it out in front of Phil. Some days, he just didn't care anymore and decided he was going say it and get it over with. What stopped him was Phil's eyes. Every time he was met with those big, blue eyes, he stuttered and said something else. Each time wanting to slap himself in the face for being such a coward.

Then one day, he was sat in a taxi and the driver was playing the radio. The broadcasters introduced a new segment. Dan didn't pay much attention, until they said something that perked his interest.

"Yes, that's right. This is called the Quiet Profession. Basically you call in, and you can share a secret with us. We promise not give out your name without your permission. It can be something small like cheating your diet, or something big like cheating on your spouse. Although, let's hope they're not listening. This a chance to vent out any repressed feelings and to talk about it out with the security of confidentiality."

He started to feel excited. This could be his chance to finally get his feelings out there. The chance for him to say everything he felt and have no judgement. He listened for the number and dialed it into his keypad. He hoped and prayed to every higher being that he would be able to get this phone call.

He didn't care if the cab driver would be listening or if thousands of other people were listening. He needed escape and he wasn't going to chicken out, not this time. Once he heard the radio broadcasters voice, he froze. So much for not being nervous.

"Hello caller number 3, what kind of secret are you going to convene to us today?" The broadcaster asked, pausing for him to say something.

"Um, I guess it's pretty big. I've been keeping it for a while and I don't know how else to say this." He spoke, his voice shaking. He wanted to smack himself for sounding so vulnerable on radio. His voice sounded so different to when he was actually broadcasting.

"Well, let's just hope it isn't as big as murder." They joked, forcing Dan to cough out a laugh.

"I guess it's not as serious as murder." He tried to prolong the amount of time he had to try and get himself to say the words.

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