home ?

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When I got out of the hospital I went to my home one last time to get my clothes and as the authorities would call it personal artifacts.
When I got there, there where still blood stains on the carpet. Flashbacks  started rushing through my mind and I began to shake and nearly passed out... but never the less I decided to pull myself together. I ran upstairs to my room, gathered my stuff and changed whilst I was there.
Seemed like a reasonable idea

 Seemed like a reasonable idea

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{Her outfit}

I decided to keep it pretty basic and I normally wear black anyway.


ith two big bags, a suitcase and a backpack I walked back to the car that brought me here....
so I was carrying my previous life in bags ...

I started to shake again, much worse than before and I was nearly in tears...
Is this how a panic attack feels like !?
I really miss my mother. In this situation she would hold me so tight that I wouldn't even be able to shake :)...and I would fall asleep in her arms. But when I woke up... I would wake up to her screaming because of my dad, but even then with bruises all over her she gave me a smile and told me it was all going to be alright. I hate my dad so much ! Even just by the thought of him I get disgusted and angry...so angry.


This place doesn't feel like home anymore, it feels like a scary dream. The blood stains and memories cause a shiver to run down my spine. I suddenly just want to leave. Anywhere. Anywhere but here...

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