Friends? ~Komanami

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This was requested by a friend from discord so yeah. 
Nagito's Pov
 I was walking along the beach since I didn't really have anything to do. Besides who would want to spend their free time with trash like me? "Hey Nagito." Someone said while tugging on my jacket. I looked behind me and then looked down to see Chiaki with her gaming device in her hand. "Hello Chiaki! Why are you here?" I asked. "Well I was wondering if I could spend my free time with you. Since Hajime is spending his free time with Souda and Fuyuhiko today." She said. "Well I don't see why you would pick to hang out with trash like me." I said. Chiaki could have picked one of the girls I don't know why she would pick me. "I don't think your trash and plus I need to gain hope fragments from you." She explained. "Oh so what do you wanna do?" I asked. "We can play video games?" She pulled out another gaming device it was green. "Here." She said as she handed me the device. "Alright what are we going to play?" I asked while taking the device she gave me. "We can play smash?" She suggested. "Alright!" I said. 

Few hours later.

"Wow Chiaki you are really good." I said losing again. Chiaki smiled proudly. "They don't call me the Ultimate gamer for nothing!" She said. "I can see. I haven't even won a game once." I said. "Nagito! Chiaki!" We both looked to see who was calling our name. It was souda. "You guys want to play truth or dare?" He asked. "Well I don't see why not." I said. We then walked over to the pool where Sonia,Gundham,Fuyuhiko, And Akane was waiting at. "Hey guys I got Chiaki and Nagito!" Souda said. "Wonderful! Now we can start!" Sonia said. "Alright Nagito truth or dare?" Souda said pointing at me. "I guess I can pick dare." I said. "Give Chiaki your jacket!" He said. "Alright." I thought nothing of it so I gave her my jacket. "Gundham, truth or dare?" I asked. "I pick dare. Bring your worst!" He said. "Alright I dare you to kiss Souda." I said as I smirked. "Oooo~" Sonia, Chiaki, Akane, and Fuyuhiko said. Souda and Gundham looked at each other then quickly kissed each other and blushed. "I hate you nagito." Souda said while he hid his face in his beanie. I laughed a little. The game went on before we knew it was curfew. We all got up and walked to our cottages. "Nagito! Don't you want your jacket back?" She asked. I gently smiled at her. "Its fine Chiaki you can keep it." I smiled. She blushed a little then walked away. I walked into my cottage then fell asleep. 

Time skip.

I woke up to the light outside hitting my face. There was a little knock on my cottage door. I got up as I slightly opened it to see Chiaki with my jacket on. "Hey Nagito do you want to spend free time with me again?" She asked. I gently smiled and nodded yes as I walked out with Chiaki as we went to the beach again. We decided to play Smash again since it was fun. I glanced a few times at Chiaki and blushed seeing her with my jacket on. To be honest she looked cute. We decided to stop playing as we sat on the beach. "Hey Nagito?" Chiaki said while looking at me. "Ah, yes Chiaki?" I said looking at her. "Do you wanna hang out more often? Your a pretty cool guy to be honest." Chiaki said smiling. I smiled back at her as I blushed a little. "Sure Chiaki your pretty fun to be around." I said. A few hours went by we were still on the beach since we were both too lazy to even move. We were both watching the waves move. I was getting tired and I got up. "Alright Chiaki, I am gonna to my cottage now." Just as I was about to go Chiaki came up from behind and hugged me. "Chiaki?" I said. "Thank you for hanging out with me nagito." She said as she smiled and walked away. I stood there I had so many mixed feelings. Chiaki and I are just friends.. Right? I quickly ran over to Chiaki as I gently tugged on her arm. "Chiaki before you go." I said as I kissed her cheek. "Thank you for spending time with me." I smiled. She blushed a little as she smiled back. "Anytime Nagito." She then hugged me again. Then I hugged her back. Then we both went to our cottages. I really had a fun time with her. I hope one day we can become more then friends.. Maybe one day..
Gimme more request so I can write. Sorry this was kinda rushed but anyway yeah just pls gimme request. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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