chapter 7

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Shion grabbed the note and looked over it "i just don't get a name or a fucking picture of him" Shion mumbled then got ready and just watched TV till they would get there Alean got to the park and looked around Cyrin walked up to Alean and hugged him from behind "Hey there cutie" Cyrin said "hey Cyrin how are you?" Alean said "im good'' Cyrin said hours passed by and they kept talking telling eachother about random stuff "hey wanna go meet my friend Shion now?" Alean said "yah sure sounds like fun" Cyrin said Alean sent Shion a text saying they were on their way "lets get going then Alean said then telaported them there Cyrin looked around "nice place cutie" Cyrin said smiling Shion turned the TV off and walked to Alean and Cyrin "Hey" Shion said he leaned aginst the wall his back hurt a lot the bandages were bloody and it started to stain his shirt as well "hey Shion" Cyrin said Alean looked at Shion "turn around" Alean said Shion looked Alean in the eyes "No" Shion said Cyrin was a bit confused "let me change your bandages now then" Alean said "is he hurt or something?" Cyrin asked "yes he had me remove his wings so i wouldn't go through the pain of the full moon" Alean said "fuck you Alean i dont care i used to just bleed i never got bandaged befor so" Shion said "Cyrin sorry to drag you into this but i need you to help hold him down so i can fucking wrap the wound" Alean said Shion sighed "tuch me and see how long i let you stay here" Shion growled Cyrin was silent he stared at Shion "hes an angel" Cyrin mumbled Alean looked at Cyrin "yah why?" Alean said "and your a demon right" Shion said Alean was a bit confused "but the question is what kind" both Shion and Cyrin said "fallen angel of power,seductress,vampire, and Neko though im quite powerless right now" Shion said "Blood moon demon" Cyrin said in a growl Shion sighed "im not a angel anymore so dont treat me like one'' Shion said pulling the gloves up a little Cyrin didn't seem to care "i really hate angels"Cyrin said Alean saighed "can yall please get along" Alean said he walked to Shion and leaned in "please Shion you know how much it means to me"Alean said then backed away Shion looked at Alean then Cyrin "Blood moon demon huh quite dangerous" Shion said he walked to Cyrin "get away from me" Cyrin said Shion walked behind Cyrin and put his hand over Cyrins mouth he smiled at Alean "sorry but ima steal him for a bit "Shion said then started to walk "Dont do anything rash" Alean said Shion smiled "me never" Shion said Cyrin grabbed Shions tail and bent it Shion screamed in pain and pushed Cyrin "bitch" Shion said he grabbed Cyrins hair and practically dragged him to the basement he locked the door then put up a barrier and threw Cyrin down the steps Cyrin growled "what do you want" Cyrin said Shion walked down the steps he had a crazed smile and look in his eyes "i would kill you here and now but..." Shion said then sighed the look gone he grabed the coller of Cyrins shirt and lifted him up "Alean has taken a liking to you so i won't but if you hurt him i will kill you instantly" Shion said "i cant help but wonder what a cutie like Alean would possible be doing with a low life angel like you hes a demon after all" Shion droped Cyrin and walked to the chair in the room and sat down "im his master if you must know and i dont hate demons like most angels do honestly i find demons interesting id like to be one but i was born into a family of angels so thats that then i grew up and got banished for 5 difrent sins but that doesn't matter to you does it Cyrin Syne" Shion said crossing his legs "how did you know my last name" Cyrin said as he walked to Shion he glared at him Shion smiled "i actually know a lot about you oh great blood demon" Shion said Cyrin growled "i know a few things about you Shion Len or should i say the Angle of destruction" Cyrin said Shion tilted his head "i have a name since when" Shion said laughing Cyrin growled "you have any clue how fucken hard it is to get a name like that!" Cyrin screamed walking closer "you kill a lot like everyday yet you just got a name a few weeks ago" Shion said laughing but soon stoped and stood up "i want us to get along so um lets figure out how we could get a long" Shion said Cyrin sighed "i really dont like you" Cyrin said "is that because im Aleans master or because i once was an angel" Shion asked Cyrin glared at Shion "you were once an angel but maybe knowing your sins would help"Cyrin said Shion growled then punched Cyrin harshly knocking him back "now that was uncalled for" Cyrin said "i know but i hate when people question my sins i think i slapped Alean for doing it not to sure" Shion said he walked to a wall which had chains on them "Cyrin" Shion said now being completely serious he held one of the cuffs attached to the cains "what" Cyrin said "im not to sure if im going to make it home tonight if i don't i want you to become Aleans new master" Shion said Cyrin looked at Shion a bit more serious "what do you mean might not make it home" Cyrin said "some creep has been stalking me for 2 maybe 3 years now and he came back yesterday and wants to met up im only going cuse he went from pictures of my house and places i normally go to all the way to pictures of me and there was one of Alean in the background but it had a x over his face i need to make sure this person wont hurt him" Shion explained Cyrin sighed "you know its funny this makes me hate you a lot less than before for some reason" Cyrin said Shion turned and looked at Cyrin he looked terrified "Shion are you ok" Cyrin asked this was a bit odd "i am scared i don't want to go honestly but i have to"Shion mumbled he then walked to the steps Cyrin looked at Shion who clearly shut off all emotions his expression was dull "Shion..." Cyion mumbled "lets go im sure Alean is worrried now" Shion said as he walked up the steps took down the barrier then unlocked the door Cyrin followed and they went to Alean "you didn't hurt him?" Alean said a bit suprised he laighed a little "he did punch me" Cyrin said "sorry and uh Alean its about time i go see you in about an hour" Shion said "promise me Shion promise me you will come back" Alean said Shion looked at Cyrin then at Alean "i promise and anyway you better make your move you never know what could happen Alean" Shion said and walked to his room changed shirts and grabbed his jacket putting it on then to the door "huh?" Cyrin said "its nothing" Alean sqeeked Shion then left Cyrin stared at the door for a moment

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