Ch-2 The Mission Begins....

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Naruto.   " A man not known to any hidden villages with extraordinary
Genjutsu talent has been creating problem in many villages.....he is accompanied by 3 extraordinary of them is said to have Ice Style Kekkei Genkai!! Another one has great taijustu skills....and great brute force......
And the last one has the......"

Naruto paused  for sometime.....The hokage's office had a pin drop silence.....then he continued and told.....

Naruto. " A Sharingan and a Byakugan !!! "

" What did you say!!!!?? " Asked everyone with confusion....

Everyone was shocked......

Sasuke then said...

" Naruto is right .....he has the Byakugan in his left eye...and Sharingan in the right.."

" But how is that even possible ??" Asked  Shikadai....

" Our hunch is that it must be in the midst of the 4th great ninja war ..where he might have stolen the Byakugan....and as for the Sharingan....he must have stolen it from  Obito's Sharingan collection,of those who were killed in the Uchiha massacre.....
Although all of the Sharingan were retrieved by Hidden Leaf Shinobi....
he might have taken it before we reached the place where Obito kept them " 

Said Shikamaru.....

" So what are the leader's genjutsu abilities ....??     Asked Mitsuki.....

" We are not 100% sure but it has to do with the worst nightmare of the makes you the thing he never ever wants to do in his whole life without even realizing that he did it.....which leaves the person put under the genjutsu in such a mental trauma in an instance... that he becomes like a living dead body...who doesn't move,think or respond at all....which makes him the easy target for anyone....." Said Naruto.....

" So what do we have to do with this criminals ??? " Asked Inojin.....

" Catch them dead or alive "  Said naruto....

" Heh!!! Perfect mission , ya know...."   Said Boruto with high confidence....  

" This mission is an super difficult Sasuke will be accompanying you guys....."     

Said Naruto......

" Alright let's do this.... Ya know!!"
Boruto exclaimed....

Everyone is in Ao Gate to begin there mission.... where Boruto arrives at last usual

" It's no use to say you anything Boruto..." Said Sarada.....

Sasuke then stopped everyone before they could argue and told...

" We will set for the mission now...we should reach our tomorrow morning.....where the 5 branded criminals are suspected to be lurking around...."

"  Bamboo village.....a small village located in a isolated-border area of land of fire.....a perfect hiding spot..."   Said Shikadai with great cautious.....

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