Your Code

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I don't want to make this about me, but I struggle with anxiety and apparently a form of PTSD triggers, and I usually cope best by talking it out with someone, and I usually find I can't because I fear being a burden.

If you feel the same way, look no further than here. We have created a code for you to use when PMing us in need of anything. Say the code words without feeling guilty of "trying to get attention" or being a baby.

We know you need to talk, and we are here for you. ❤❤❤

I had an anxiety attack and need to talk about it~I am craving some chocolate.

I have severe depression out of the blue and need someone to talk to~I am craving huckleberries.

I feel completely alone~I'm feeling sick.

I want to harm myself~About to go eat mac n cheese.

I feel suicidal~I'm really hungry.

I am super anxious and dont know why~I am hungry for noodles.

I had/am having a mental breakdown~I'm a horrible chef.

Just had a trigger and can't calm down~I haven't eaten in a while.

I had a panic attack~I'm craving chips/fries.

I just want to talk to someone~I'm eating a burger.

I am in a dangerous relationship and need advice~I think I'm gonna throw up.

Just got made fun of and need to talk~I just ate grapes.

I want to vent/rant~Just baked some cake.

I need to be hyped up~I just baked cookies.

I'm crying and I cannot stop~I just hate pizza.

If there are more things some people are scared to share please comment them here:

If you have any questions comment here:

I really hope this helps some of you grow comfortable, PM this account or WritingPromptQueen with any of these phrases and you will be replied to as soon as we can ❤

I really hope this helps some of you grow comfortable, PM this account or WritingPromptQueen with any of these phrases and you will be replied to as soon as we can ❤

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