Let's Do That Again Shall We?

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Chapter 6

This is Chapter 5 from Scott's POC. As before, discussion of triggers and being taken advantage of whilst intoxicated discussed in this chaper.

Scott's POV

I knew as soon as Mitch and Kirstie met they would hit it off!  We met up at this new vegan restaurant that Kirstie wanted to try.  I wasn't that keen on the idea, but when I was sounding Mitch out about options he got this sparkly eyed look on his face and I couldn't say no to him, even though meat and three veggies is more my style.  Come to think of it, meat and carbs is more my style!  Vegetables.... kill me now.  When we got the menus I was really worried that there wouldn't be anything that I could eat and we'd have to stop at Burger King or something on the way to the club.  Surprisingly the stuffed mushrooms and veggie lasagne were really good considering there was no meat or cheese in either dish.

Mitch, Kirstie and I talked about the usual kinds of things that you do when getting to know someone new.  It was really cool how Mitch and Kirstie fangirled over the same musical artists.  The boy's got to be out right?  Anyway, we finished eating, tipped the waitress and headed out to the club we were going to. 

Waiting outside was fun, it wasn't too cold but I tucked Kirstie under my arm, inside half of my jacket so she was warm.  She gave me a nudge in thanks and then we got passed in by the bouncers.  The music was going off.  It wasn't too full yet as it was still reasonably early, which was great because I could get some drinks straight away. 

"I'm getting the first round people." I stated.  "I'm having my usual, what are you two having?"

Kirstie said "Count me in Scotland, Strawberry Martini for me too."

"Uumm," Mitch rubbed the scruff on his chin and then decided, "Vodka Tonic for me thanks Sandra." he grinned at me then turned back to Kirstie as I headed towards the bar.

As I waited at the bar, I took a surreptitious glance behind me at my two friends at the table.  Kirstie was on point tonight.  But then she never looked anything but gorgeous, so admiring her was automatic.  The guy on her left though was simply stunning.  The print on his shirt was really geometric and unusual.  I totally wanted it, and that coat.  Wish we were more alike in build so I could borrow it at least.  Oh well, don't over think it Scott.  Returning my attention to the bartender, I placed my order and then waited for the drinks.

Heading back to the table, I could see that Kirstie was frowning.  I wondered what they were talking about to make her show that face?  Me?

"OK" I said.  "I know you were talking about me, go on spill."  I smiled and put the drinks on the table and sat down.

When Mich said he and Kirstie were discussing me and boyfriend material, I knew exactly where that conversation had gone.  It didn't matter that they were talking about me, it was who else they were talking about that was the problem.  Justin.  My ex-boyfriend.  He had been just about perfect in the beginning.  A totally gorgeous Nordic type, built, and just a fraction shorter than me.  I always thought that he was my ideal, before he started to get possessive and sadistic.  I could totally see that Mitch was fishing for an answer to the question of whether or not I was gay, not a whole history of what had happened, but I had to explain for both our sakes.  First though, Miss Kirstin Maldonado, for bringing this all up now...

After rescuing Kirstie and hearing what I had to say, Mitch outed himself and I was so relieved.  It was like a load lifted off my shoulders.  It's not like I have a thing for him or anything... Maybe I have. Mitch was so understanding about Justin and even knew where I was coming from on a personal level.  I wonder who his stalker was?

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