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Foxy's Pov

"Huh future wife?" Foxy turned seeing Liam, "Yah, well she doesn't know about it but she will be my wife" "What makes you say that!?!" "Um because were in love" "She doesn't love you, and first of all she is my wife and were moving into a apartment together" "What!?!" "Yup,"

Foxy and Liam were arguing while Mangle was coming out

Mangle's Pov

I started walking outside because I needed help. "Foxy?? I need some he- Liam?!?" "My dear" I rolled my eyes. Then Foxy came next to me and whispered "Follow my lead" Foxy held my hand making me blush a bit.

"What is it my dear" "I-I-I need help moving the boxes" "Oh I'll come help" Foxy kissed my forehead and we walked in.

"What was that about??" "Well that dude said you were his future wife but your really mi- single" Foxy seemed like he was about to say something else "What were ya bout to say???" "Nothing.." Did he find out the deal me and the queen made?!? I started panicking but kept calm on the outside.

"Well lets move the boxes now" We moved all the boxes into my black Toyota and drove to the apartment, "Wow the place is nice.." "Yah when my father passes I get most of the will and the house so its gonna be good till then" "But what if you get married, say idk to like a prince not me but a prince?" "Well i'll let my kids have it as like a play house, or when they wanna stay out of the castle for a whil- hold up im getting a call. Hello?"

"Hey Mang congrats on getting the new apartment! Cant wait to be neighbors with Chic and Bon and Chica and Bonnie living on the bottom floor Candy and Cindy on the second and you and me at the top! But as neighbors not living together." "Yah im almost there do ya mind if I brought a guest to help unpack??"

"Duh it will be fine" "So hows you and Golden's relationship going??" "Good he's still in the UK but its fine he comes nad visits often" "Glad you two Angels are getting along, anyways im here you can come outside now" "K"

"Oh there angels??" "Oh yah my friends are both angels and demons bc you know its a good thing" "Never knew that" "Well they can be your friends too".

We got out of the car and open the trunk to grab the boxes full of stuff. "Vix!" Mari came flying towards me and hugged me so tight! "Char I can't breath..." "Oh sorry Vix!"

"Vix? Char?" "Oh thats are middle names- and who are you?" He's the friend I brought. He's Prince Foxy, the queen wanted us to be friends." "Aw cool Vix" Then the others started pouring out. "Mang!" Everyone yelled running up to me, "Hey Chic, Chica, Bon, Bonnie, BB, JJ, Cindy, Candy, Lolbit, Ft. Fred, Bon Bon, Bonnet,and Goldie, " "Hey girl soooo Food and arcade games at Candy's Burger and fries?" "Yah lets go!"

We started walking to Bon's van when our landlord stopped us " Ms. Foxtin." "Yes Mrs. Mousiline" "You need your keys here" Mrs. Mousiline gave me my key " Thank you," "Well good day"

She started walking off and we all went to Bon's van it had 17 seats, and there was 16 of us. Me and Foxy decided to sit next to each other I sat in the middle seat of the second row with Foxy and Mari next to me.

Bon and Chic were in the driver and passenger and everyone else sat in the seats at the back, luckly when Bon got this van he applied 12 seats in the back six on each side, we usually had our seats, Me and Mari would be in the second row with the guitars and equipment, Candy, Cindy, JJ, BB, Chica, and Bonnie sat on the left side, and Lolbit, Ft. Freddy, Bon Bon, Bonnet, and Goldie on the right.

I started texting my stepmom. Why? She sent me forty three messages! I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Something on your mind lass?" "Nothing really just my stupid hoe stepmom trying to make me clean the house so im texting her I moved and she aint the boss of me anymore" "Iye.."

We made it to Candy's Burger and Fries, Yes Candy owns a restaurant, he wanted to cook and entertain, so he, Cindy and some of his friends work there as entertainers its fun to see them in there costumes, Candy were a tux and Cindy were a knee-high elegant dress, there friends were different stuff.

"Were here who's ready for Burgers and arcade games?!?" "Us!" I saw Foxy look around the van for a sec, "Hey whats wrong?" "Nothing just why is there so much music equipment?" "Were a band" "Oh so thats why you were singing when I was at the coffee shop" I blushed a bit, it was just a habit, like ballet dancing, I usually do this move.

"Were here who's ready for Burgers and arcade games?!?" "Us!" I saw Foxy look around the van for a sec, "Hey whats wrong?" "Nothing just why is there so much music equipment?" "Were a band" "Oh so thats why you were singing when I was at the coffe...

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"Ok cmon ppl lets eat im starving!" We all walked out of the van and headed in. "Hi what would you like to eat?" "Ummm Pizza" "Ma'am we don't have pizza" "WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS THIS THEN!" Ugh a Karen. "I would like to speak to your manager." "Ok i'll get him. Hey Candy I need you!" "Ok. Hi im the Manager." "I'd like to speak to the Ceo!" "Ok" We all giggled we know whats going to happen. Candy walked off a bit and came back. "Hi im the ceo." "The owner!" Again Candy walked off a bit and came back "Hi im the owner." "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!" "No ma'am im not I made this place come true, so may I ask you to leave." The Karen stormed off furious

"That was good Candy" "Yah ikr"

As saying that photo took me foreve to make and also my body has been hurting a bit so please, please understand I might skip a day of writing bc of the pain so hope you enjoy!

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