Benrey x reader

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Since no one has requested anything (probably because this fandom aint getting that much attention)
Imma just make my own oneshot
Benreys really bad at showing love and romance
As we walked around the facility looking for the main exit I couldn't help but wonder about Benrey, I heard him say earlier couple hours ago that he wasnt human, that was the main thing that started my string of questions. At first Gordon and I were just minding our own business until he decided to ruin with him nagging Gordon about his passport, luckily I had mine but he wouldnt stop following us around while doing our job just for a simple passport. I got annoyed with him at first with his bland and sarcatsicnpersonality but as I spent more and more time with him after the disaster I started to realize that maybe he wasnt so bad after all. I mean, he was pretty funny, also he jokingly flirted with Gordon to just annoy him from time to time but I couldn't help but feel a but jealous for what Gordon was getting. Maybe I shouldnt take that too seriously, we were going to escape after all and sooner or later everything will be over soon.

"Look Gordon! Ropes! We can use this to- Help me Gordon." Both Gordon and I sighed as he shot down the Barnacle mutant and we continued on our way. But as I was walking I nearly fell into a small pit in the ground, before I fell to my death I felt someone grab my arm in a tight grip and pull me back I looked and saw that it was Benrey, as he pulled me back he just stopped and stared at je for a couple of seconds, did I do something wrong? I couldn't help back stare back at his, he eyes showed no emotion as always but for some reason I can tell that he showed some kind of... warmth and adoration in them?.. Im not sure but we were interrupted when Dr.Coomer said "The hole! Careful." I slightly flinched at his loud voice and I heard Gordon reply,"Im going to mind the hole!" I gulped silently.

Gordon jump over the pit and proudly said,"Easy as pie!" As the rest of the team jumped over it I realized that Benrey was still holding onto my arm,"Umm... Benrey?" I said to him.I dont know if what I frightened him but he suddenly flinched and quickly let go on my arm from his death grip. I stared ahead and prepared to jump,"Dont fuck up." I heard him say behind me, I scoffed and went ahead almost slipping in the process. He landed next to me after his turn to jump ahead,"You almost fucked up." He remarked

As we proceeded to walk around I couldnt help but slow down and walk besides Benrey, something just told me too. We walked around a hallway as we made a small stop on a vending machine. "Finally! I was thirsty." Dr.Coomer babbled. Gordon proceeded to break the vending machine's window as cans of soda poured out of it. "Sunkist my favorite!" Tommy replied, they except Gordon and I drank up the beverages quickly and fast. "Arent you thirsty (y/n)?" Gordon turned to asked me with a slight tone of concern in his voice. I shrugged and put my hands behind my back. "Nah not really, I can wait until the next vending machine to come across by."

I then felt a presence behind me, I turned around and saw Benrey staring down at me and holding a can of soda in his hands, "You dont want any?" He said with a cold tone. "N-No Im not thirsty." I stuttered. He stayed silent and said ok and the walked away. As weird as he can be he sometimes just straight up frightens me. As we continued on our journey I swear I was able to feel someone staring at me but when Benrey picked up his speed and was besides me I felt the feeling get stronger, was it him? If yes then why is he looking at me? I gulped and looked at him for a split second and my theory was right, I quickly looked away. I couldnt help but feel my face warm up. And the suddenly he grabbed my arm again with a sudden force, assuming that I was going to fall into another hole in the ground I immediately stopped but I saw nothing ahead of me, just the rest of the team walking further away. He then guides me to another hallway connected to the one we were at. "Hey were the hell are you two going?" Gordon shouts. "(Y/n) wants to get something from this vending machine." Benrey replies. I could tell that Gordon realized that there was no other vending machines in the area. "But theres no- alright fine just dont take to long!" He sighed in the middle of his sentence, I guess he decided not to question it because what would we be doing either way? He was our only source of escape. I wanted to say something but I was too shocked in the moment. As we went deeper into the hallway I then suddenly felt him pin my arm against the wall, this forced my to out my back against the hardened cold wall as well. But the I felt a body press against the front of my body, my back hitting deeper against the wall I was pinned on.

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