Chapter 1

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Kirishima's POV

Coming out to my parents was the last thing on my mind. At first, only my first best friend at U.A, Mina, knew. However, as I gained more friends, even more people began to realize I was gay. It was no problem since those who knew didn't treat me any differently. My life was actually going well.

Ever since I started attending U.A, my life has been so much better. I felt like I could be myself around everyone there and I even gained a lot of new friends, including Mina. Everyone knew I was gay by now and no one had a problem with it. Recently, Mina, Denki, and Sero have been trying to convince me to come out to my parents. As much as it was killing me, I had no idea how they would react and to be honest, I was scared as fuck.

Their reasoning was that they knew I would feel better if I just told them and if anything went wrong it's not like they could do anything about it. I wouldn't have to deal with them at home if they didn't accept me because of our dorms we moved into. Of course it would hurt if they rejected me, but at least I would be safe. Although I knew they were right, I was still scared, especially of my dad. He had always been short-tempered and not very kind. My mom on the other hand was the most caring person ever. She was always quick to take the blame for anything I did wrong or try to calm my dad down when he was upset.

If anything, I was worried about my dad taking it out on my mom. Since I don't live there at the moment and she usually takes the blame, I wouldn't be surprised if it was her he was angry at. I had to keep those thoughts away though. They won't help me gain the confidence to tell my parents. Positive thoughts only. I definitely don't need anymore stress, otherwise I might have a mental breakdown.

   As a child, I had always been positive, but as I got older and saw my dad's behavior, I lost some of that positivity. It wasn't gone, but it was harder for me to look on the bright side. However, no matter what, my mom always helped me try to see the positive side of things. Even as my dad would yell at her, she would give me a reassuring smile and mouth to me that it would be okay. For her sake, I would try to do the same as her, but it's not always easy, especially with someone like Bakugou in your life.

   Bakugou had anger issues. Everyone at U.A. knew that. We still loved him though even when he called us names or insulted us. It wasn't his fault that his mother raised him that way, even if the blonde's father tried to stop his wife and him from being angry all the time. Only the Bakusqad (my little friend group including Mina, Sero, Denki, Bakugou, and me) knew of his soft side. Mina always teased me that he had the biggest soft side for me, but it was obvious he still had one for everyone in our small squad of friends.

   My thoughts came to a pause as I heard the bell for class to end. It was the last class of day and it was now the weekend. Even though I wasn't paying attention again I knew I could always ask Bakugou for help. He would scold me for not paying attention, but once Sero and Denki ask for help too he won't complain as much.

   "Oh, Kiri, my little shark boy!" Mina hollered for me, poking her head through the doorway, "You always take so long! Hurry up so we can go hangout!"

   I swear that girl always had too much energy, "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. Don't be so impatient." Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my bag and headed over to her.

   "Don't act all annoyed," she poked my chest hardly as I reached her, "Denki and Sero are already heading to Bakugou's dorm to bother him. We all know how fast he rushes out of class to try to escape us." Mina giggled as she grabbed my arm and pulled me along to the dorm building.

   This was our daily routine. We would go to class and at the end of the day we'd all head to Bakugou's room to hang out. It was the only way to ensure he wouldn't try to skip out on hanging out. Besides, he had a bunch of cool video games that we play on the weekends. During weekdays, we were too busy doing homework and too tired after to play.

   Once we reached Bakugou's room, we barged right in like we owned the place. As expected, Denki and Sero were on the floor playing Mario Kart while Bakugou sat on his bed and yelled at them anytime they made a "bad" move.

   "You have to drift at corners for a boost dunce face!" Bakugou yelled at Denki.

   Denki groaned as he came in 2nd place, right behind Sero, "It's not my fault your floor is so uncomfortable and keeping me from my true potential. It was a known fact that no one was allowed to sit on his bed, except for me (this is part of why Mina keeps teasing me).

   Bakugou growled, "Shut it, Dunce face. Your sorry ass is fine on the floor. Just admit you suck ass at Mario Kart." He ripped the controller out of Denki's hands and did the same to Sero when he saw me.

   Sero whined, "Oh, come on! We only got to play one round. Why can't we play a few more before you and Kiri play?" He threw his head back and glared at Bakugou from behind.

   Smirking, Bakugou said, "We have to show you how it's done. Right shitty hair?"

    "Hell yeah! Sorry Sero and Denks, but you have to let the pros show you how it's done. Besides I think Mina wants to practice makeup on you guys again.

   "No way! I do not want to be pink again," Sero cried, "That stuff was on my face for the whole weekend!"

   "Yeah," Denki joined in, "There is no way I am letting her do that to me ever again!"

   Mina just laughed, "I told you guys, I got new stuff. This will come off easily. Last time I accidentally got the wrong kind. Luckily you suffered on the weekend." She pulled out her makeup bag from her backpack.

   "Fine, but you better treat us to some boba next time we go out." Sero knew she wouldn't complain about that since she loved boba.

   "Great idea, Sero! Just because of that amazing idea, you can be my first test subject, Denki!" Mina plopped herself right in front of Denki and began to pull out the necessary items.

   Denki groaned, but pulled out one of her headbands to keep his hair out of his face, "You better uphold the Boba deal."

   "Don't worry, I love boba. There's no way I'll forget. What kind of friend would I be if I forgot?" She started applying makeup to Denki's face while Sero pulled out his phone.

   I turned to Bakugou to find that he was already looking at me, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up so I can destroy you!"

   Laughing, I moved towards his bed and sat down next to him. He handed me the other controller and began picking his character. This weekend was already looking fun. If only it could stay that way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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