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Requested by lovinxavery

It all started when Jack started to experience chest and throat pains. At first he ignored it thinking it was just because of lack of sleep but soon it became unbearable and he finally decided that he was going to get it checked.

So one evening when Corbyn wasn't home and instead was visiting his parents, Jack decided to go to the doctors and get it checked. He had already booked a doctor's appointment and was on his way there. After some tests, the results arrived and lo and behold Jack was diagnosed with cancer. The thing is that the cancer had already reached it's maximum stage and had spread throughout his entire body. It was a rare type of cancer that spread really fast and was not easily cured.

Jack didn't have the heart to tell Corbyn so he kept it a secret for a while. He gave birth to their daughter, Olivia three weeks later and fearing that she might have cancer had her tested out. All the tests came back negative and he heaved a sigh of relief. He finally told Corbyn a week later and to Jack's shock, Corbyn took it surprisingly well but what he didn't know was that Corbyn was bawling his out eyes out when he was alone. Three months after his diagnosis, Jack could do nothing but stay in bed all day, coughing up blood and losing hair.

A month later he died in his bedroom in his beloved husband's arm. Corbyn who knew his husband was gone but didn't react at first since the shock of losing his love didn't reach him at the time but when it did, he locked himself in his room and wouldn't eat for a whole month but eventually after plenty of convincing from his friends, he finally let himself out and started to eat food, only because he has a daughter to care of. Thankfully Jonah had been looking after her.

Three years later specifically on Corbyn's birthday, Corbyn received a letter and a gift. What no one knew except Jordan was that the letter and gift were both from Jack and he had given them to Corbyn's younger brother a few hours before he died.

Now as Corbyn opened the letter he couldn't help but let a few tears roll out from his eyes. As his eyes scanned the letter, more tears filled his eyes and he couldn't help but let out a sob, clutching the letter close to his chest.

He looked at the letter once again, scanning his eyes over the words once more.

The gift that was by his side had remained untouched until then. He grabbed it and slowly opened the box letting more tears rolled down his cheeks as he took out a picture frame from the box. It was one of the photos they took just a few days after they started dating. It was them across a beach and Jack was clutching Corbyn's hand both sides of them smiling like goofs as they looked into the camera.

Corbyn opened the picture frame wanting to look at the picture more closely. As he did so, something fell out of the back. He picked it up. It was a note.

Happy birthday, love, It said. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate it with you but I'm here you know, watching over you. I love you.

Corbyn choked out another sob as he put down the note and picked up the letter again reading it over and over again. After all it was the last memory of his husband he had and the words never left his thoughts.

The letter Jack had written a few hours before his death said the following,

Corbyn Matthew Besson, I love you with all my heart. I miss you but I want to let you know that I'll always be watching over you, love. I'm always here. By your side. The day I found out I had gotten cancer I knew I was going to leave soon but I didn't have the guts to tell you because I loved you too much to hurt you. Eventually it started to become unbearable and you found out and I had to see you break in front of me and it pained me to see you hurt. Anyways, the gift I got you was because the very first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I knew you were the one. But I want you to move on because we both know Olivia needs another parent who would look after her. I want you to marry Jonah since you're the closest to him and Olivia already thinks of him as a third dad. I'm sorry I left you alone, love but good things have to come to an end eventually. I love you so much and I'll see you later.

, Love Jack Besson.

A/N:- I don't know if this was any good but let me know :). Peace✌.

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